Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

"There's no proof she's my daughter," Gaston Sr. said as Locklyn glowered at him. "No LeGume would ever produce a daughter and I'm not supporting a child who's not mine."

"Yeah. And that's why you didn't stop the nine of us from using the LeGume name," Locklyn muttered as she shoved past her father to sit next to Shayla. "Let's just watch the thing so I can get out of here."

Shayla nodded and frowned as Gaston Jr. sat down next to her. More than likely due to the very limited seating.

"Try anything and you'll find you'll be missing a very important part of your body if you ever wish to reproduce assuming you haven't already," she growled, pulling out one of her daggers and pointed it near Gaston Jr.'s groin.

"You don't scare me," Gaston Jr. scoffed.

"You want to try me?"

Locklyn shook her head but pulled out her dagger as Gaston the Third sat down next to her; effectively sandwiching the two girls together.

"Let's watch this pointless program," Gaston the Third muttered as his father flipped on the television.

"Welcome all to the christening of the century! I'm Snow White with all the blue carpet details," the royal said with a grin on her face as Shayla and Locklyn both scoffed with displeasure.

"And here we are with Evie, the designer of so many of the dresses and suits you'll see today," Snow White said as Evie came on screen. "Tell me, was it difficult to get so many amazing dresses and suits made while still making what looks to to be one of your best dresses yet?"

"Of course not," Evie said as Doug came up to her, wrapping his arm through hers. "I had an amazing cheering squad with my boyfriend Doug here, along with Lady Mal, Lady Uma and of course my new assistants Dizzy Tremaine and Gil LeGume."

"...what?!" The three Gastons exclaimed.

"What is she thinking? Gil would never sew!" Gaston Jr. spat, glaring at the television as if it had personally offended him. "I mean he's hopeless but sewing's women's work!"

"Didn't he make your vests? That's what Gia said in any event," Locklyn said with a small smirk. Back when her sisters were still talking to her, before she joined Fred's gang, she used to get all the news about Gil and his crafts. Of course, she also used to see them first hand considering she used to be part of Gil's crew.

Her and Brooke and Shayla and Morgan...Strat had already left the crew by that time.

"Oh! Here's the master seamster now!" Evie grinned and pulled Gil toward her as he made his way down the blue carpet; the sound of Evie's voice pulling Locklyn out of her thoughts. "Any words for your adoring public as Auradon takes in the amazing suits you've created?"

Gil grinned. "Well I couldn't have done it if you hadn't let me work with you Evie. You're amazing after all."

"Oh it's nothing really," Evie said with a smile.

"And who are you with tonight?" Snow White asked Gil.

Gaston Jr. snorted. "Five bucks says he's there with Uma and the Hook brat. You honestly think Gil is manly enough to get a girl?"


"Macaria!" Gil grinned and held out his hand as Macaria walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Queen Snow, I'm happy to say that I'm here tonight with my girlfriend Macaria of Olympus, as she looks even more stunning than I thought possible in one of Evie's designs."

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