A trip back home

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This story was written by DabihawksSHIPPER101, Please enjoy

Dabi wasn't quite sure how it happened, but he and the league of villains had failed to defeat the hero society. However UA started a villian rehabilitation program, this program was designed to train the villains into normal members of society or even heroes.

The few who were selected for the program where himself, Tomura, Toga and Kiroguri who actually happened to be an old friend of one of the teachers.

Most of them were trying to become some sort of hero, Shigaraki decided that rescue hero was suited well to his quirk same with Oboro or as Dabi knew him Kuroguri. Toga just wanted to become a civilian and to fit in, same with Touya.

However Endeavour insisted that he became a combat hero, despite the fact that Dabi was still burning his body due to his quirk.

"Hey Dabs!" shouted a familiar voice from behind.

Touya lost his train of thought, and turned to look at his friend, Toga.

She skipped over to his side with a bright smile, per usual "You exited for training?" she asked beaming with energy

He turned on his heel and continued walking "I don't really care" he sighed

"aww your so boring" she teased skipping at his side

Touya rolled his eyes "I'm not"

"That's what you think" said another familiar voice

The two had arrived at the gate to see their friend Shigaraki or Tenko as he goes by nowadays.

Dabi held up his middle figure "Shut up crusty lips" he joked playfully as he continued walking.

Tenko held up his middle digit in response "How about no you fucking burt piece of celery" he snapped back.

Toga stood their, mouth hanging open in shock "Shiggy... did you just use a meme!?" she squealed

The older guy stared at her with a blank expression "Its a meme?" he asked

Dabi leant up against a tree "You need to get out more" he said with a raised brow.

Shigaraki shot a nasty look back  "So do you" he responded still maintaining his glare.

Toga began jumping up and down ecitedly "Fight, Fight, Fight!" she shouted getting caught up in her own excitement.

Touya rolled his eyes  "As if I'd waste my time fighting this loser"

"Your just afraid to lose" he spat back

The Crispy Bacon man lifted himself from the tree standing at his full height "C'mon then let's go crusty ass!"

Kuroguri rounded the corner "There will be no fighting!"

Tenko backed up away from Dabi "Your so boring" he sighed in annoyance.

Kuroguri reached out to pat Shigy's head then decided not to "yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever" he replied

The young blonde looked down at her phone to check the time "Well I gotta go guys I promised Ochako I'd meet up with her today" she smiled happily

"You enjoy that" he replied

Oboto turned towards her "I'll take you there if you want" he offered, summoning a small warp gate at his side.

She shook her head "No it's fine I have legs for a reason, thanks though" she smiled sweetly.

"Okay call me if you get lost though okay?" he responded with a fatherly smile.

"mmhhmm, bye!!!" Toga darted off in the direction of the entrance gate whilst waving.

"Simp" Shigaraki said with a blank stare.

"Huh?" The white haired male looked back at his former boss with a confused look.

He looked back at Dabi "She's a Simp" he repeated.

"For that midorya kid?" asked Touya.

"No, well yeah but for that Ururaka girl too" He replied blankly.

"Just because she hangs around with her doesn't mean she likes her" stated Kuroguri.

Shigaraki turned around back out of the gates "Whatever. I'm going over Deku's".

Touya turned towards his ex-boss "Why?".

Tenko continued walking, not turning his back "Because Mrs.Midorya invited me over".

"That's nice of her" said Oboro trying to keep up with his friend.

Dabi began to follow them "Yeah, why would she invite you over?" he asked.

The crusty man shrugged his shoulders "I have no idea, anyway I'll see you all later" he waved as he walked back out the gates.

"Yeah same Bye!" shouted Kuroguri as he stopped and waved, before hurrying to catch up to the other white haired male.

Kigoguri and Shigaraki both walked back to the entrance gate leaving Dabi alone, he began to walk to the gate when he heard a familiar voice "Hey". Touya turned to see his brother Shoto walking towards him, They walked as they chatted.

"Hey" he said back to the younger boy.

Shoto tilted his head "Where are you going, don't you have rehab now?"

The older guy  shrugged "I'm supossed to go 4 days a week, Today was optional. Since nobody else is going I'm not either," he took a breath "plus I can  go visit mom"

The bicoloured boy nodded "You want to go together?" he asked

"Fine, I got nothing better to do" sighed Touya, it would be fun to try reconnect with his brother.

And wind him up.

They walked out of the front gates and managed to slide there way through the crowded area. They chatted until they got to the Todoroki household.

Shoto ran off ahead quickly "Hang on I got to grab something".

The older brother sighed "Fine, but hurry up" he demanded.

Shoto walked into the house and closed the door, a few seconds later the door opened. Hawks walked through the door and saw Touya.

"Hey Tou, how you doing?" he asked with his usual dumb smile.

The taller guy leant up against the wall  "Fine I guess, you?" he responded.

"Well ya, know the usual" he shrugged bavk

Dabi raised a brow at the bird man "why are you here?" he asked curiously. Hawks was always visiting his father's home.

The blond paused for a second contemplating how to say it "Oh I just got back from a patrol and i wanted to see if you where in".

Touya was a little surprised at this answer "Oh well here I am, what did you need me for?" he said coolly, trying to play off his confusion.

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