Dating Santana would be fun. She would take you on cool, random adventures. And even if the dates themselves were really bad, just being around her is perfect. I'm so lucky to be her roommate. She's my best friend. I don't know if I'm hers yet, but she's most definitely my college best friend. Nobody could ever replace Sugar. Maybe I can have two best friends? Actually, I'm making a new rule. I can have two best friends.

Sam taps me on the shoulder.
"Hey Britt? The movies finished. Do you want to maybe go get something to eat?"
"Uhm, sure, what time is it?"
"Like half ten."
"Oh, good, Tana will still be out partying."
"My roommate. She's the sweetest."
"My roommate's pretty cool too. Mike Chang?"
"Oh, Mike! He's in Glee Club with me. He's an amazing dancer."
"He's always talking about what a good dancer you are."
"I'm alright."
"Is Glee Club still taking members?"
"Always. Why, are you thinking of signing up?"
"Maybe. I'm not sure yet."
"Can you sing?"
"I won the talent show in high school for 3 years running. I think I'm okay."
"Wow, you should definitely come along. I'm trying to get Tana to join, but she keeps saying no."
"That's like Mike. Anyway, where do you want to go? There's a nice Italian down the road, Breadstix. They had one in California, it was my favourite place."
"Is it a fancy one?"
"God, no. It's cheap and cheerful. We used to go as a family, before dad won the lottery."
"Let's go. I haven't had Italian in ages."
"We order takeout most nights."
"Me and Tana take turns cooking. Although, one night we had cake."
"A unicorn birthday cake. It was delicious."
"That sounds fun. Tana seems like a really nice girl."
"She's the best."
"So, what are you studying at college?"
"I want to become a teacher."
"High school, middle school, kindergarten?"
"Uhm, I don't know."
"You must have some idea."
"I don't, not yet. I love working with kids, but I feel like high school is really important, especially for students who are behind or struggling."
"That's true. Not that I ever struggled."

He's a bit of an asshole, I think. He goes from being sweet, and understanding, to snobby and annoying. Maybe he's just nervous as well, and doesn't know how to act. I'll call Sugar when I get back, and we can analyse all this stuff. God knows I've sat with her after her (usually disastrous) dates, and discussed how much of an asshole they were this time.

We arrive at the restaurant, and I can smell the garlic bread from here. Sam smiles wide and gets out, then opens my car door for me. He mock bows, and takes my hand.
"M'lady" he says, and I smile back at him. See what I mean? I like this side of him, the funny, cute side.

He keeps a hold of my hand as we walk into the restaurant. It's busy, but we find a booth in the back beside the kitchens. A waiter gives us our menus, and a basket of breadsticks. I take one, and oh my god, I nearly pass out from the taste. It's like heaven sent them from above. Of all the breadsticks I've ever had, these are the best yet. One time, me and Sugar went around every Italian we could find, and even then these are still the best.

Sam is watching me with a small smile on his face. Well, about as small as he can get with those lips. I'm not being mean, but they are massive. They look really soft though. I guess he takes care of them, with chapstick. He nods to the breadstick in my hand.
"They're the best, aren't they?"
"Of all the fancy food I've eaten, this place will remain my favourite."
"I can see why. What are you ordering?"
"Meatballs. What about you?"
"What would you recommend?"
"I know it might seem weird, because this is an Italian restaurant, but the shrimp is really good."
"I'll try it."

He waves the waiter over, and we order drinks and our food. Then we talk again.
"So, Britt, do you have any siblings?"
"Nope, I'm an only child. You have two, right?"
"Yep. Stevie and Stacie. Stevie is 11, and Stacie is 10."
"Cute. Do they look like you?"
"I have a picture. Here."

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