chapter 17

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"Thank you so much for coming, Ereni,” Mrs. Stark had said while hugging me. 

"Thank you for having me, even after I –” 

“No! Don't do that. Don't blame yourself for this,” she said with seriousness in her voice. “This wasn't your fault.” 

"You heard what he said on the recording. He knew of the possibility that it could happen," she said, looking off into the water where they had put Tony's arc reactor. "He did it so everyone else could be reunited with their loved ones, so don't blame yourself for that.” 

Even though she was probably right about it not being my fault, I couldn't help but feel guilty because Mr. Stark left behind a family, a wife, and a daughter.

It should have been me that used the Stones on him. At least then Morgan could have her father and Mrs. Stark could have her husband.

"Hey. You alright?” I looked to my left and saw James just standing there with his hands in his pockets, wearing a soft smile. 

I wiped the tears that had unexpectedly fell from my eyes. 

"I’m well, but I don't think I'm the one you should be asking that,” I said and turned back to look at the water. 

 “I was just giving my condolences to her and Morgan before I came out here." He came closer and hugged me. Well this feels nice, I thought to myself. 

"Hmm, you smell very delightful”, I let out, then went to lick his neck and he immediately started laughing while pulling away, leaving a pout on my face.

"And I see that you are back to your old playful self,” he said while chuckling. I placed my hands around his neck and his around my waist so that he could pull me close.

"Only for you, darling,” I pulled him closer. 

But before we connect our lips Mr. Rogers  interrupted us. “You know, you guys make a really cute couple.” 

"Good timing buddy.” 

“Sorry but I need to talk with your wife.”  

"You know it's actually starting to grow on me.” He kissed my lips and started walking away but not before hugging Steve.

"How are you doing Captain Rogers?”

 “I should ask you the same thing but I think I got my answer when I saw you with Buck. But I’m hanging in there. You know, Tony and I never saw eye to eye…” he paused and let out a sigh. “But he was a good man. Now I understand that he just wanted to keep everyone safe, even if it cost him his own life.”

"But that's not what I wanted to talk to you about,” he said. "I'm going to put the Stones back.” 

"Alright, would you let me accompany you when you go?” I asked, a bit confused. 

“No, I need you to watch after Buck for me…” 

I looked at him, confused, before it all made sense. “You don’t plan on returning… Do you?” 

“No. I don’t.” 

“Does he know you’ll be leaving?” 

“No, I don’t have the heart to tell him, but I know I’m leaving him in good hands. Besides, he’s going to need someone to keep him out of trouble.” 

    “Can you do that for me?” he asked. “You are his wife.”

    We both laughed. “That I am. Believe me, I’ll keep him on his toes.” 

    “Thank you, Ereni.” 

    “You do not have to thank me, Captain.” 

    “No – not about Bucky. Thank you for standing by our sides and helping us against Thanos. Even though he was your brother, you chose us.”

"It was never about family, Captain Rogers,” I began. “It was about saving all those people’s lives, even if it meant killing him. When push came to shove, I was willing to risk my own life and Thanos’ if it meant keeping innocent people alive.

"So no, it wasn't a difficult choice because to me it was all about doing what was right no matter the risk or consequences, Mr. Rogers.” 

4 weeks later…


"Hmmm. You're right, it is very good”

"I told you,” I smiled, and continued watching with a smirk as Ereni licked her ice cream like there was no tomorrow. 

We were currently at Coney Island and she was licking the ice cream that I had gotten her. She had said something about it when we saw a little boy with one and explained how they didn't have them on her planet.

And here she was, moaning out loud with her eyes closed like it was the best thing she ever tasted, not gonna lie, I was kind of jealous of her ice cream right now.

    It had been four weeks since Steve had left to live out his life in the past. Everyone thought that he would just be returning the Stones, but I already knew that he wasn't coming back.

And as much as it hurt me to see him go, I knew that what he was doing was for the best because he wanted to live the life that he never got the chance to live, and I couldn't be happier for him.

“Hmm, would you like some, darling?” Ereni had her ice cream in her mouth while smiling at me.

"Sure,” I smirked, at her as I licked the ice cream. 

“It is good, right?” 

“Yeah, but I know something that's sweeter than the ice cream,” I said with a smirk while looking at her with desire in my eyes.

“Oh, is that so?” she asked, enunciating her words with every lick of her ice cream.  

I took her hand – the one that now had a shiny ring on her ring finger – and started making our way through the crowd because I had to get her home. I had to get her home right now. 

 “Were we going?” she asked while giggling and trying to keep up.


All edited credits go to LinguisticsAddict you did an amazing job I'm so grateful for it ❤ thank you

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