chapter 4

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James and I began walking back to the Palace after I was done with his massage. I wanted to see if they had removed the stone from Mr. Vision yet so that it could be destroyed before Menace could get his hands on it.

As I walked into the lovely place I couldn't help but let my eyes wander around to the different things that I found intriguing while asking James what they were and what they did.

We made it to a room with a lot of different machines and I saw Vision laying on a table while princess Shuri tried to remove the Stone from him. 

"So how long, Captain Rogers?" I said while putting my hands in James' hair, playing in it. 

He looked at King T'Challa. "How much longer, Shuri?"

 "I have barely begun brother, just give me some time.”

"Can I ask you something?" Steve asked me, with a serious look on his face. 

"Of course Mr. Rogers. What would you like to know?" 

"How do you know so much about Thanos?" 

"He is my brother,” I said, and everyone looked at me with wide eyes as if I had said something offensive.    

"What do you mean he's your brother?" Wanda asked with an angry look on her face like she was going to attack me at any moment. 

"Well, we have the same par-" 

"Why didn't you tell us that he was your brother?" Steve said, with a face that matched the one Wanda had.

"I do not see what the problem is. Why does it matter if he is my brother or not?" 

"It matters because you could be helping him try to kill Vision!" Wanda yelled, walking up to me and getting way too close. 

I was already a married woman so I was not interested.

"I'm going to have to ask you politely to remove yourself from my personal space, please,” I told her while standing my ground firmly and letting her know that I was nowhere near frightened by her. "Or I will not be responsible for what happens next.” 

"Oh really?" Wanda whispered as she started moving her hands in a circular motion letting me know that she was about to use her powers.

 So she wants it the hard way, I see, I thought to myself, I kind of feel bad for what I'm about to do but she asked for it.

"Wanda stop!" We both stopped and turned to see Vision now sitting up and looking at us.

"She is not our enemy,” he explained. 

“What do you mean Vis,” Wanda asked with a confused face. 

“She is not like him, she is pure and loving, she is nothing like him, do not fight with her because of the choices he made,” Vision let out.

"Vision you knew?” Steve asked.

 “Yes, Captain Rogers I do.”

 "Why didn't you say anything?”

“Because she is not a threat to us. If she wanted to harm us she would have done it already,” he explained to them while they just looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry for thinking you were helping Thanos,” Mr. Rogers apologized. 

"I'm sorry too, for the whole… you know, losing my cool,” Wanda said.

"It is alright, now if you'll excuse me, I will explore your beautiful home more?” I announced, looking at King T'Challa who just nodded in approval. 

And with that, I took James' hand and was off.


"Husband? What is this strange device called that I am holding?" I asked him, while looking at the strange thing in my hands.

"Husband? What is this strange device called that I am holding?" I asked him, while looking at the strange thing in my hands

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He just looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "Oh right you're from a different planet”. 

“It's called a Nintendo, you play games on it, here let me show you," he said, taking the Nintendo away from me and started showing me how to play it.

I was not sure how long James and I had been standing here playing this Nintendo, but it was the long crash that took our attention away from it.

"They are here, I can feel them,” I said looking at James who had an uneasy expression on his face.

 "What do we do?"

"I will help Wanda and Shuri protect Vision so that they do not get to him.” 

"Alright, I'm gonna go find Steve.” 

He started to turn away, but I stopped him, pulling him close and smashing my lips against his. 

I could tell I had caught him off with the kiss because he wasn't responsive till I started moving my lips, then he put his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him, and tilted his head to try and deepen the kiss but I knew that if we did not stop now Thanos would get the Stone. 

So this will just have to wait for later I thought to myself while pulling away from James who was just standing there with his eyes closed. 

"Be safe,” I pecked him up on the lips one last time, and then started running to where Vision was. I would not let Thanos have that stone.


    Wanda I were watching the others fighting on the field against Thanos’ army, the Black Order. I wanted to go out there and help them, but I didn’t trust Thanos at all. I knew that the moment we left Vision, he would have one of his lapdogs try and get the stone for him.

 And I could not let that happen.

"How much longer Shuri!?" I asked. 

"I'm moving as fast as I can!”

I saw Wanda looking out the window with a troubled look on her face, I went over to look out as well, and to my horror, the Black Order had started burning down the trees, and they were still coming through the barricade. 

There are so many of them, I don't have an option now, I thought to myself.

"Wanda?” I began but stopped when I saw her already looking at me, letting me know that she was thinking the same thing I was.

 “Just keep him safe,” Wanda said, leaving out through the window to go help the others.

All edited credit goes to LinguisticsAddict 😚 thx for all your hard work boo

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