chapter 14

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Ereni pov

We were preparing to create or find a new Infinity gauntlet, but the entire time, I kept on getting an… off feeling about Nebula. 

She hasn't said a word since that day and she kept looking around as if she had never been here before.

    I wasn’t sure, but maybe Natasha’s death got to her differently and she just wanted to be alone. 

"So how is it going in here?”I asked Mr. Stark and Dr. Banner who were working on the gauntlet. 

"Oh, it's coming along nicely,” Tony admitted. 

"Have we decided on who will be using the stones to bring everyone back yet?”

“Well, we th–”

“I thought that it was obvious that I will be the one to bring everyone back!” Thor  interrupted. 

"Um, Thor, we don't think that's such a good idea,” Tony said.  

“And why is that?”

“Because we know that you're still upset about Natasha's death…  which we all are, but your emotions are all over the place and we just can't afford missteps right now.” 

    Instead of raising an argument, Thor nodded. 

"We think that's it's best to let Banner here do the job.”

"I'm sorry buddy,” Bruce said. 

"No, no! You are right it is best to let Banner do it because we cannot lose more than what we already have.” 

45 minutes later… 

“Ok, so Bruce, just remember now we're only bringing back the people from five years ago. Alright?” 

“I got it Tony,” Bruce replied, and began to put the Infinity gauntlet on.  


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"Dr. Banner! Bruce?” the Captain and I yelled, trying to help him when he struggled, but Clint and Tony kept us from doing so. 

 "What are you doing? That could kill him!" I yelled, trying to get out of his grip.

 "He has to do this to bring them back,” Clint said, still holding me.

 "He has to do this to bring them back,” Clint said, still holding me

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"Dr. Banner?" I broke away from Clint and ran to Dr. Banner. 

“Step back!” Tony said and began to spring a white substance on Bruce to keep his arm stabilized. 

"Are you alright Bruce?” Tony asked as we all gathered around him. "Bruce can you hear us?”


We turned from Dr. Banner to see a smiling Clint. “It worked.” 

"It worked,” I mumbled, while everyone else was still trying to process it. We couldn't believe it.

Before we could properly celebrate, I noticed that it had gotten dark almost as if the sun had vanished out of nowhere. I turned around but before I had the chance, the sound of missiles being fired at us was the last thing I heard before everything exploded and went black.

Big thanks and appreciation to LinguisticsAddict for taking the time and editing this chapter for me

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