chapter 1

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It was too late, I was too late - he had already gotten to the ship.

Women and children were dead, their bodies thrown around, blood pooling around their bodies.

And all for what? For his desire for power and to rule over other realms that were all beneath him?

"No!" I let out. I would not let him get away with this. I would not just sit back and let this continue, I would stop him before he got to the next Stone.

It seemed that I would be making my way to Earth now, where the Time and Mind Stones were. I honed in on my ability, trying to concentrate on where the Stones were but began to see images of ... a young man and woman? But he was red! Though more importantly, he had the Mind Stone centered on his forehead?

I'd found it! Now all I had to do was hope and get there before Thanos did.


"How do you feel now, Vis?" I asked, looking at him.

He smiled at me. "I -"


Out of nowhere Vision blasted into a nearby building. I quickly turned to see a man and woman, and based on their appearances, neither were human.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that" I told the both of them, eager to pay back what they'd done tenfold.

I got ready to use my powers but before I got the chance to do so, one came from behind and blasted me into a nearby bakery. Immediately, I got back up and to my horror, I saw that they had grabbed Vision and were trying to take the Mind Stone from him. I couldn't let that happen.

I tried the best I could to get Vision away, but both of them were resilient, and the woman continued to try and cut me with her scepter, but I intercepted her by using my power.

Continuing to use my powers, I tried to get Vision and me away from them, but once again, the woman used her scepter, causing us to crash into a glass building.

Vision wrapped his arms around me, trying to protect me from the fall. "Hold on Wanda."


I finally made it to what the people of Earth called ... England?

Immediately, I began to search the city for the man with the red face who had the stone.

To my shock and anger, Kazaa and Quig - Thanos' henchmen - had found him first. But I was never going to let either of them get to that stone - not over my dead body.

Kazaa went to use her scepter on both of them, but I wasn't about to let that occur, so I knocked the scepter out of her hands by using my telekinesis powers.

And got prepared for the fight that was about to take place.

"Ereni? What a surprise. I see you've come to help us collect the stones for Thanos," she said, smirking.

Oh, she was about to find out what I was here for alright. I smirked in turn at the thought.

"No, I'm not actually," I announced, as I got closer to them. "You see, I cannot let you get those Stones because I know of the dreadful things Thanos plans to do with them and I refuse to let that happen."

It was obvious she didn't like that at all, because a look of disgust crossed her features.

"You're nothing more than a Trader who shall die alone with all of the others" she spat.

Quig started approaching the woman and man with his scepter in hand but once again, I used my powers and sent him hurtling towards Kazaa before making my way to the red-haired woman who was aiding the man's wound.

Thinking I was a threat she started scooting back while shielding her companion.

"I do not wa-"

Before I could finish my sentence I found myself dodging Kazaa's scepter. She "attempted" tossing at me but missed - how cute, she honestly thought that would work.

"Let's try that again shall we?'' I drolled and was about to send her running, but I stopped when I saw that Kazaa was looking at something behind me.

Turning around, I saw that a man was standing on the other side of the street, holding her scepter.

"Well that's just made my job somewhat effortless."

The figure swooped towards us and knocked Kazaa into the next building. Earth had human birds? I thought it was a bard, and he seemed to be ... shooting missiles from his wings. What type of bird is this! I thought.

The ones on my planet did not perform these kinds of actions. Though that was only as long as you didn't try petting them, then they did get very violent.

The man had thrown Kazaa's scepter at another woman and she used it to stab Quigg in his lower abdomen, she then threw the scepter back, thinking that the man was going to catch it, but instead Kazaa had caught it and I knew that it was time for me step back into the fight.

I knocked her scepter out of her hands while using my powers and the bird-thing-man came and kicked her, making her scramble to Quigg's side.

"We don't want to kill you but we well,'' the woman with fair hair said.

"You'll never get the chance till next time," Kazaa said, while she and Quigg started floating away on one of Thanos' ships.

"Well, at least they didn't get the Stone," I said, and began walking towards the man with the Mind Stone.

Maybe I should've taken him with me -- that way, when Thanos came for the Stone, I would be prepared and could kill him.

Yes. That was what I should do.

"Alright, let's go, Red Face man. I shall not let Thanos possess that Stone you have, so we must leave now!" I walked towards him, but the red-haired woman stepped in front of me, blocking my way.

"Who are you?" the man with the fair hair asked. "And why were those two after him and Wanda?"

I laughed. "They do not want him, they want the stone that your friend has and I'm not about to let them get it."

"Now if you'll excuse me, I am taking my leave,'' I announced.

"You're not talking to him anywhere." The red-haired woman -- Wanda, I was assuming -- looked like she was about to use her abilities on me.

"Hmph, cute." If she thought that she could stop me or make me afraid just because she could do a few tricks and have sparks fly from her fingertips then she would be disappointed.

"Wanda stop!" the red man said. "She wants to help, she did help, you saw how she was fighting the two to keep them from us" he explained.

She looked at me with soft eyes. "I'm sorry," she said.

"It is fine, but I do need to take him with me," I explained.

"Is it really necessary for you to take him?" the fair-haired man asked.

"Yes, I cannot let Thanos get his hands on the Stone."

"What if we tried to remove the Stone from Vision?"

"That's not a bad idea. If you can find someone who can do that then it will be better for everyone."

They all looked at each other.

"We know someone!"

Big thank you to LinguisticsAddict for editing this story for me, thank you so much 😚😘

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