Driving Me Crazy

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Ryder's POV:

I knocked on her door the following day after seeing Chad kicked to the couch and having to hear him leave the TV on ESPN all night. I would rather listen to the TV all night long if it meant he wouldn't be in the same bedroom as her.

"Ren?" I call out

"Yes?" She opens the door for me. Chad looked up from the TV to watch me walk into her room. When would he be gone?

"Are you two?" we hadn't talked since I apologized.

"Are we?" she was going to make me say it all, spell it out; she wanted her pound of flesh from me.


"No," my eyes sink to my feet, my cheeks reddening.

"I thought he was why you didn't text me or call me when you were in Ohio."

"My dad had just died" My head slumps forward involuntary.

"I know, but you texted Luke back."

"I feel like Luke needs me, and I need him. I don't know. It's hard to explain. And I felt if I told you, it would actually be real, that my dad was dead."

"No, I get it. I used to be the person he used to need. Now, if you left or moved, I don't know what would happen; he is extremely fond of you..."

"I'm fond of him too," she smiles, thinking of the boy that would be coming over soon for Sunday lunch.

"I was worried because I thought you were not coming back to Maine. And I..." but my explanation is cut short, Josh peeks his head in.

"Hey," his face brightens, his eyes sweep her body, and I want to punch my own brother in the face, my feelings clearly taking over every thought cycle I had. I

push past him and hear Josh ask her if she is ready to cook lunch with her. Was this becoming a thing they had? Because if it was, I did not like it. I breathe out until I hear she can't because she is spending the day with Chad.

This woman was driving me crazy, and she had no clue she was doing it.

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