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Ryder's POV:

It was simple for everyone to see that I was in love with Ren, everyone except Ren. I guess it was simple for everyone to see that Ren was in love with me, everyone except me.

"Stop moping" Josh said at lunch after Ren's boy toy, ex-boyfriend, whatever he was had came to stay at the apartment.

I screwed up. I knew that at the time, at least.

"You did what?" Mandy asked when I called her to tell her about my one-night stand.  I had been doing so well. Keeping in line, not screwing up, I was in love with Ren, and yet I went out and brought another girl back to the apartment.

I knew I was no good for Ren; I was bound to screw up.

"Yeah. I know. I suck." I had started smoking again. I had stopped, I was going strong, eating nicotine gum every day, and then Chad had to show up and have his hands all over Ren. Even if she was standing away from him, he would go out of his way to keep his hands on her.

It was sickening.

And then there was the whole first night, where I led myself to believe that Ren and he were sleeping together.

They were sharing a bedroom; what else did people do?

Apparently, Ren only allowed him to sleep on the floor. Even though I was wasted and drunk and brought home some chick from the bar, I could see the blankets and pillows on the floor when Ren opened her door. And then drunk me had the audacity to wink at her.

I would have kicked myself in the face if I wasn't drinking.

After I explained the mishap to Mandy, all she could say was "That is the worst excuse I have ever heard." She was right... I wanted payback, and I thought I was getting it the only way I knew how. "At least it's not like you guys are a couple."

No, it was worse. I just thought about Ren every waking moment, wanted to know what she was doing and wanted to know everything about her.

I quit drinking altogether and smoking after Chad left.

He didn't leave happy either.

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