She looked up at the culprit with horror filled eyes as questions filled her head. Why was this happening? Only a few hours ago were they all sitting at the dining table laughing and talking like the happy family they are and only three hours later did she come home to find that her dad had a gun pointed at her mother while the poor woman cried. What happened? What happened in those three hours?

Present Day
Smith's House
Scarlet's POV

" That's it?" James asks, I nod.

" Yup." I say.

" Tell us again." Dad says making a motion with his finger.

" I've already told you twice." He gives me a look making me sigh, " Tommy appears, tells me he's a warning, tells me that I have only a few more warnings or he'll die and then disappears into thin air." I repeat what happened only a few nights ago.

" Are you sure you didn't imagine this?" Wesley asks as he comes out of the kitchen a bottle of wine in his hands. Worry courses through my veins at that, he's falling into drinking again isn't he?

" Wesley it was a hallucination, obviously she imagined it." James says rubbing his template before turning back to Wesley " And how can you drink at a time like this?"

Wesley raises an eyebrow at him. " How can you not?" He questions before taking a swig of wine.

" You have to talk to Oliver." Dad speaks up tearing his gaze away from the water bottle and onto me.

" It's not as easy as it sounds." I state

" No it's not because you're not going with my plan." Wesley says, I roll my eyes.

" I'm not seducing the man."

" Okay look just call Oliver and we give him a deadline and that's the end of it, right?" James asks

" Well not if he says no by the end of that deadline." Wesley reminds us. James sighs annoyed.

" You two really aren't optimistic are you?" James asks looking between Wesley and I. Wesley rolls his eyes as he stumbles to his seat. " Scarlet call him."

" I would." I say tilting my head to the side then back to it's normal position. The three look at me confused.

" But?" Dad asks

" But I don't have his number." I shrug, it was true, I didn't have his number. They look at me as if I was the dumbest person in the entire milkyway. " What?"

" Ju-just, oh my God." Wesley says shaking his head in disappointment making me roll my eyes.

" Wesley, forget what I said, you're smarter then your sister." Dad speaks up. I roll my eyes once again. Three in 15 seconds , must be a work record.

" Track him." James orders.

" I'm not gonna track the man." I state

" You're not gonna track him, you're not gonna seduce him, you're not gonna talk to him." Wesley lists using his fingers to count. He leans back in his chair his right foot goes on top of his left leg. He reminded me of Klaus from the Umbrella Academy. "Scarlet please enlighten us and tell us what you will do," he leans forward putting his free hand under chin staring at me intently. I roll my eyes once again. Four time in-

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