Chapter 18

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Y/N cried under a tree, her face in her knees and holding her legs close to her chest. "Pretty man...." Y/N muttered, thinking back to what happened earlier. Baji was just confronted by Mikey on listening in on his conversation with Kisaki, Baji having told him about his worries on doing what he was doing with Kisaki. This caused a verbal fight to break out between the two, Y/N watching the entire thing. 

This caused her to run away without them realizing, leading to where she was now. She didn't want to witness her big brothers fight, as it gave her to many painful memories of her old family. Y/N sobbed, not noticing that someone was approaching her. The person soon wrapped a blanket around her, Y/N looking up when she felt the blanket. "Pretty man?" Y/N asked, looking up to see the person.....only to widen her eyes.

"Pretty man? heh, that's a first." Kisaki said, a small smile on his face. Y/N moved away from him, shocked to see that he was right next to her. Kisaki chuckled, picking up Manju and playfully saying "Woof!" at Y/N with it. Y/N snatched Manju away from Y/N, Kisaki taken back by her hostility. "Leave me alone...." Y/N muttered, Kisaki telling her "I'm not....especially when there's sickos out here who might take advantage of you." Kisaki said, Y/N puffing her cheeks.

Kisaki smiled again, patting Y/N's head and asking her "Now why are you all alone?". Y/N went silent for a bit, muttering "My Onii-Chans were fighting....". Kisaki widen his eyes a bit as Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him, Y/N crying into his shoulder. "I don't want to see them fight!" Y/N cried out, Kisaki nervously rubbing Y/N's back. "I know.....I'm sorry." Kisaki whispered, Y/N continuing to cry. Soon, Mikey ran over to them, out of breath due to frantically looking for Y/N. "Y/N!" Mikey called out, Y/N looking back at him and releasing Kisaki from. "Mikey-Nii!" Y/N said, Mikey picking her up and holding her close.

"Why did you leave? Did you know just how worried I was?" Mikey asked, Y/N snuggling into his chest. Mikey that noticed Kisaki, not saying anything to him as he began to carry Y/N away. "Wait! You forgot this." Kisaki said, handing Manju back to them. Y/N took it, thanking Kisaki for returning it to her. "Happy to help." Kisaki said, smiling while he walked away from them. "Mikey-Nii.....where's pretty man?" Y/N asked, Mikey going silent and carrying her back home.


Y/N was in Mikey's room, waiting for him to come back. She was looking through his things, soon finding a picture of a young man. The man had shirt unkempt black hair, who was smiling with a young blonde hair boy with him. The young boy had to be Mikey, with the older man being-

"What do you have, Y/N?" Mikey asked, having entered the room to catch Y/N looking at the picture. Y/N turned around to face him, hiding the picture behind her back while nervously smiling. Mikey just sighed, going over to her and kneeling down to her height. "Let me see...." Mikey said, Y/N dropping her smile and slowly handing him the picture. Mikey looked at it, his eyes widening when he realized what it was. Than, he sadly smiled, looking at Y/N and embracing her. 

"I love you...." Mikey said, Y/N nodding and kissing his cheek. As Mikey let her go, she asked him "Who's the man in the photo with you?". Mikey sat on the side of his bed, Y/N sitting on his lap as he gave her the picture. "He's my older brother."  Mikey told her, Y/N looking up and asking "What's his name?". "Shinichiro...." "That's a cool name!" Mikey chuckled, Y/N looking back at the picture. "Where is he?" She asked, Mikey's smile almost faltering as he told her ".....He's dead.".

Y/N frowned, only letting out an "Oh....". "Do you miss him?" Y/N asked, Mikey nodding and holding Y/N close to him. "Yes....everyday.". Mikey felt tears go down his face, Y/N wiping them with her hoodie's sleeve. Mikey laughed, putting his forehead on Y/N's and telling her "You remind me so much of him....". Y/N smiled, soon yawning and falling asleep. As she rested her head on his shoulder, Mikey laid her on the bed.

"Goodnight...." Mikey said, giving her a kiss on her forehead and watching her sleep, playing with some of her hair. 

He would have to tell her that Baji had left Toman tomorrow..........

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now