Chapter 14

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Draken entered the hospital, Y/N still in his arms as her life hanged on a thread. "SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP HER!" Draken yelled, Nurses going over to him and beginning to ask him questions about what happened to Y/N. "JUST SAVE HER, GODDAMIT!" Draken screamed, the nurses realizing that they were wasting time when they saw just how weak Y/N looked. "Please give her to us...." One of the nurses asked, Draken holding Y/N close and giving her a small kiss on her forehead. "No...l want Ken-Nii!" Y/N cried out as Draken laid her on the wheeler stretcher that was taken out. Y/N than harshly coughed afterword, A nurse saying "Please save your energy, sweetie." while putting a respiratory mask in her. As the nurses pushed Y/N to the emergency room, Draken was about to follow them but was stopped.

"I'm afraid that you have to wait outside while we perform surgery on her." The nurse told him, Draekn's eyes widening but reluctantly nodding as the nurse entered the emergency room and closed the door right in front of Draken's face. Draken bit his lip, punching the walls of the hospital as he felt tears form in his eyes. "Y/N....You better live." Draken muttered, soon hearing someone call his name. Draken looked over to where the voice was coming from, seeing that Takemichi, Hina, Mitsuya, and Peh-Yan were all going over to him. "We heard about Y/N!" Hina said, Draken only balling his fist up when he saw Peh-Yan. "Draken?" Takemichi asked, Draken about to throw a punch towards Peh-Yan, yelling at him "I'LL KILL YOU!".

Mitsuya managed to stop Draken, holding the taller boy back as he tried to free himself from him. "WHY!? SHE'S JUST A CHILD!" Draken cried out, Peh-Yan beginning to cry as he knew what his anger had caused. Draken's tears than started to fall, Draken falling down to his knees as he tried to wipe his tears away. "Goddammit.....why not me?" Draken whispered, not noticing that Mikey had just entered the hospital himself. Takemichi was to first to realize this, growing fearful on what Mikey was about to do as he walked over to the group. "Mikey...." Takemichi muttered, Mikey nodding at him and looking at the ER'S room door.

Mikey was at first silent, not saying anything at all as he stared at the door. However, he than said "Y/N's not going to die..." in a quiet voice which made everyone look at him. "What do you mean?" Hina asked, a sad smile creeping onto Mikey's face as he looked back at her and said "Y/N promised me......that we'll be together forever.". 

"Hey....Mikey-nii?" Y/N asked, tugging on Mikey's coat in order to get his attention. Mikey hummed in response, smiling at Y/N as he looked down at her. "What Is it?" Mikey asked her, Y/N grabbing the end of her yellow hoodie and muttering "Are you scared of anything?". Mikey was taken back, Y/N telling him "Ken-Nii said that he wasn't scared of anything.....and I was wondering if you were the same.". Mikey softly smiled, kneeling down to her height and said "Well, don't listen to Ken-Nii.".

"Ken-Nii is actually really scared of getting water in his eyes." "He is?" "Yeah, and he always wears a shower cap when we got to the public baths despite being a giant beanpole." Y/N giggled, Mikey snorting a bit and embracing her. "And me.....I'm scared of losing you." Mikey mumbled, Y/N looking at him and asking "But.....I'm right here.". Mikey nodded, saying "Yeah, but I sometimes worry that you won't be here with Toman with us.". Y/N brightly smiled, wrapping her arms around Mikey's neck and hugging him.

"Don't worry! I will be here with you forever!"  Y/N exclaimed, Mikey chuckling and putting his forehead on top of her's. 

"Promise?" "Promise!"

 Mikey's eyes became glossy with tears, the sad smile still on his face. Takemichi could tell that Mikey was hurting, and that he was acting strong for them so that they wouldn't worry about Y/N. As Takemichi went over to Mikey, Mikey looked at him and said "She's going to way will she leave us alone.". Takemichi nodded and smiled, the door to the ER opening to reveal two surgeons. The six teens looked at the surgeons, Draken wiping his eyes and standing up as he asked them "Is she okay?".

The surgeons both looked at each other, one of them looking back at Draken and nodding. "The was an success!" The surgeon said, Draken going silent for a bit......but soon smiling and beginning to laugh with tears of joy falling down his face. Draken laid his back on the hospital walls, trying to wipe the tears away while Hina and Takemichi both smiled at the news. Mitsuya and Peh-Yan were outside the hospital, telling the rest of Toman about Y/N's survival. As cheering from Toman could be heard outside, Mikey asked the surgeons if he could see Y/N.

The surgeons said yes, Mikey nodding in thanks and entering the ward to see a sleeping Y/N with the respiratory mask still on her. Mikey smiled, letting his tears fall as he went over to the side of Y/N's bed and kissed her forehead. "Don't....Don't scare me like that again...." Mikey said, a small smile creeping on Y/N's face. Y/N than opened her eyes, muttering "Mikey-Nii...." Mikey laughed, nodding and saying "'s me.". Mikey cupped Y/N's face, Y/N weakly giggling and leaning her head on Mikey's hand.

"I'm so're okay."


Y/N was drawing on a notepad that a nurse gave to her, a big smile on her face as she waited for her big brothers to enter her ward. Mikey and Draken said that they were getting Y/N a present, which excited her more than anything. As Y/N put the finishing touches on her drawing, she heard the door to her ward open. "Onii-" Y/N stopped what she was saying, her eyes widening when she saw her mother standing in front of her. Y/N's heart soon stopped, not realizing that the hospital had contacted her mother.

Than....that meant she was returning to her.....

"Y/N...." Y/N's mother said, going over to her daughter and holding her close, "I missed you so much!". Y/N  tensed up, Y/N's mother looking down at her and giving her a kiss. "You know that your father and siblings were worried?" Y/N's mother asked, Y/N nodding with a frown. Y/N's mother saw this, sighing and taking out a flyer for a mental institution. "Darling, this place isn't bad." Y/N's mother said, handing her daughter the flyer so that she could see it. "They can take care of you and treat you well." Y/N's smiled at Y/N, but Y/N just handed her the flyer and covered herself with the blankets.

"I'll see you tomorrow...." Y/N's mother muttered, seeing the drawing that Y/N made before taking her leave. After a few minuetes, Y/N heard the door open again and she groaned. "Mommy, I don't want to go to the instituition!." Y/N yelled, Y/N looking over to see that it was actually Mikey and Draken. "Oh...." Y/N let out, Mikey and Draken going over to her and asking "Institution?". Y/N sighed, explaining to her big brothers about what her mother was trying to do. Draken furrowed his brows, Mikey frowning a bit and sitting down on the side of the bed.

"Y/N..." Mikey muttered, hugging the little girl close to him, "You're not leaving us....". "But-" "You're not leaving're staying with us forever, remember?" Y/N felt tears go down her face, nodding and nuzzling her face into Mikey's neck. Draken chuckled at this, giving Y/N the small box in his hands. Y/N thanked Draken for the present, opening it and squealing in joy when she saw what it was. It was a small plushie of a dog, Y/N grabbing it and playfully pretending that the dog was licking Mikey. Mikey laughed, playing along while Draken watched with an amused smile on is face.

"There she goes...." Draken thought, happy that his little sister was still with him.

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now