Chapter 4

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That was something that Draken didn't expect to be called, especially by a little kid. While he didn't necessarily have a problem with it, the fact that Y/N was comfortable enough around him to refer to him as an older brother, was something that shocked Draken.

It was nighttime, but Draken wasn't asleep yet. Instead, he stayed awake with a million thoughts in his head, all of them about how Y/N called him "Onii Chan". As Draken stared up to the ceiling, he heard the door to his bedroom open and small footsteps start to approach him.

Draken groaned as he knew who the footsteps belonged to, sitting up as he mumbled "What do you want?". Draken looked over at the young girl, his eyes widening when he saw that her eyes were red and puffy and that she was carrying the blanket that she slept with. "I had a bad dream...." Y/N whispered to Draken, looking down to her feet as she held onto the blanket closely.

Draken's face softened, noticing that there was visible tear streaks on Y/N's face. Y/N f , a pleading look in her eyes as she asked him "Can I sleep with you?". Draken felt himself blushing, going silent for a bit before eventually nodding and making room for Y/N on the couch.

However, despite there being an area for which Y/N can sit on, Y/N crawled on top of Draken and sat on his lap, making the older boy blush even more. "Y/N..." Draken muttered, not knowing what he should do. Y/N looked up at him, her thumb in her mouth as she stared at him innocently. Draken just sighed, holding Y/N close to him as he placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her to his chest.

"Onii Chan...." Y/N tiredly said, about to close her eyes as Draken gave her his attention.


Y/N was interrupted when Draken's flip phone started to ring, causing Draken to focus on that rather than Y/N. As Draken looked at the contact, he saw that it was Mikey who was calling him. "What does he want this late at night?" Draken thought, answering the phone and placing it near his ear.

"What?" Draken asked, the first thing he told Mikey when he picked up the phone. On the other line, Mikey told Draken "Head over to Musashi Shrine with Y/N, all of Toman will be there.". Draken's eyes went wide when he heard that, saying to Mikey "Are you really telling me we're going to tell her about them now?".

Mikey didn't answer Draken's question, only telling him "Just make sure you don't arrive late.". Mikey than hung up, Leaving Draken in a confused....and worried state. Draken didn't know how The rest of Toman will react when they found out about Y/N. Draken didn't even know why they were even letting Y/N be around Toman.

She was a child, and she shouldn't be around Toman, much less any other gang. As Draken looked down at his flip phone, he felt his patterned jacket get tugged and Y/N asking "Is everything alright, Onii-Chan?". Draken faced Y/N, clearing his throat and telling her "Yeah, Everything's fine...."

Draken glanced away from Y/N, saying "Mikey wants you to meet our friends....". Y/N tilted her head to the side, asking Draken "But it's my bedtime....". Draken chuckle softly, patting Y/N's head as he told her "There's nothing wrong with staying up a little late."

Draken than smirked, telling Y/N "I can also let you ride on my motorcycle if you want~". Y/N's eyes went big with excitement, trying to contain herself from jumping on the couch in hyperactivity.

"I want to ride on a motorcycle!" Y/N exclaimed, Draken laughing as Y/N started to wrap her arms around his neck and hug him. "Alright, but just be on your best behavior when doing so...." Draken said, feeling Y/N squirm in his arms in happiness.


"We should have just walked here...." Draken thought, rubbing Y/N's back as she threw up behind a bush. Y/N managed to get motion sickness during the first few minuetes while riding on Draken's motorcycle, and thankfully managed to hold it in until the two got to the shrine.

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن