Chapter 1

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"Ken-Chin~" Mikey said to the taller boy walking in front of him, finishing the last of his dorayaki. Draken looked back at Mikey, an annoyed look on his face when he heard the nickname. "I'm out of Dorayaki." Mikey told Draken, a playful smile on his face with some of the dorayaki pieces left on it.

Draken only responded with a small "hmph", saying "You really expect us to get more at this hour?". Mikey nodded, laughing as he wiped the dorayaki crumbs off his face. Draken only chuckled slightly, giving Mikey a small smile as he told him "I'm pretty sure there's a convenience store around here somewhere..."

It was late at night when Mikey decided to take a walk around Shibuya. Nothing was particularly on his mind, but Mikey wanted to get some fresh air. He called Draken over to be his companion during his walk, and while Draken wanted to get more sleep, he still accepted Mikey's invitation.

The two were about to pass an alleyway, when Mikey noticed from the corner of his eyes an group of older men crowded over something. Mikey stopped, looking over and noticing that the group of men were kicking at the thing. Draken noticed that Mikey was looking at what was happening in the alleyway, grabbing Mikey's arm and telling him "C'mon, it's not our business..."

Mikey didn't listen to Draken, freeing his arm from him and going over to the group of men. One of the men noticed that Mikey was going over to them, looking back at him as he stopped kicking. "What do you want, kid?" the man asked, Mikey only looking at him with a glare.

The man's friends all looked at Mikey, their eyes widening when they realized who he was. "Dude, I think we should leave..." one of the men whispered, the man talking to Mikey only scoffing. "And why should we?" "That's "Invincible Mikey"....the leader of Toman!" "Please, as if this pipsqueak is really him-" the man didn't finish his sentence, Mikey having kicked him right in his balls.

As the man grabbed the area where he was kicked at in pain, he fell to his knees as Mikey grabbed ahold of his hair. "What did you call me again?" Mikey asked, a cruel smile on his face as he looked at him terrified. "N-Nothing...." The man told him, Mikey simply punching him in his face and watching him fall down to the ground face first.

"So, who else?" Mikey asked to the rest of the group, the man's friends staring with fear in their eyes. The man soon got up, running away from Mikey as the rest of his friends followed, not wanting to piss him off any further. Draken went over to Mikey, mumbling under his breath "Douchebags..."

The two were about to leave the alleyway, but Mikey heard a small whimper. Mikey looked back, his eyes widened when he saw where the whimper came from. Laying on the ground was a young girl, who had blood spewing from her head. Mikey gasped and quickly went over to the young girl, Draken noticing the young girl as well and following him.

Mikey quickly felt the young girl's pulse, giving a big sigh of relief when he felt a small pounding sound coming from her. "Were those assholes....really beating up a kid?"  Mikey thought, seeing that the young girl was breathing heavily. "I'm...I'm sorry..." The young girl muttered, making Mikey and Draken widen their eyes even more.

"Don't worry, you're okay..." Mikey reassured the young girl, caressing her (H/L) hair. Draken than picked up the young girl bridal style, the young girl wincing in pain as he did. Draken held onto the young girl tightly, telling Mikey "We need to bring her to a hospital right now..."

Mikey just shook his head, saying to his right hand man "No, she's going to lose too much blood if we head to the hospital.". "Than were do you think we should take her?" Mikey went Silent for a bit, until he looked at the young girl and sad "Let's get her to your house..."

Draken froze for a moment, looking down at the young girl in his arms and nodded, following Mikey as he left the alleyway and ran to the apartment complex.


Draken wrapped an bandage around the young girl's head, the young girl having since passed out and now sleeping soundly on his bed. As Draken finished with the bandages, Mikey came into the room with a plate of dorayaki in his hand. "Did she wake up yet?" Mikey asked, Draken shaking his head as he looked over at the young girl.

"No, she still needs to rest..." Draken said, watching the young girl's chest go up and down as she slept. Mikey looked down, putting the plate of Dorayki on a desk as he sat down on the bed. "Will she be okay?" "The trauma to her bed wasn't fatal thankfully, so she'll live." Mikey smiled a bit when he heard that, relieved that the young girl was going to be okay.

Draken noticed this, looking at Mikey and asking him "Why are you so worried for her?". Mikey was taken back by the quetion, himself not knowing why. He didn't know the young girl, so why was he worried about her safety?

Mikey just responded with silence, Draken sighing when he realzied he wasn't getting an answer. Draken was about to get up from his chair, but he noticed that the young girl's eyes were now fluttering open. "She's waking up?" Draken thought, Mikey seeing that the young girl was opening her eyes and getting off from the bed.

As the young girl was fully awake, she sat up and rubbed her eyes, trying to regain her vision. Once she did, she looked around and saw Draken and Mikey standing next to the bed she was on.....casuing her eyes to freeze. Silence came from the young girl, not knowing what she should say to the two older boys.

"What, aren't you going to say thank you to your saviors?" Mikey asked playfully, causing the young girl to hide under the blanket she had. "Please don't hurt me!" the young girlsaid, closing her eyes in fear. Mikey only chuckled , Draken pulling the blanket away from the young girl. "We're not going to do anything to you kid." Draken told the young girl, the young girl lookin t him wih tear filled eyes.

Draken was slightly taken back when he saw the young girl's eyes, not expecting her to be this fearful around them. "Do you remember what happened last night?" Draken asked,wanting to change the subject and hopefully calm down th young girl. the young girl nodded, pulling her knees close to her chest as she recalled the incident.

"Mind telling us why those bastards were doing what they were doing to you?" Mikey asked, the young girl looking at him shyly and saying "I tried to pick pocket from one of them...". Mikey snorted a bit, the young girl blushing in embarassment as she said the reason. "You're pick pocketing this late at night?" Draken asked, the young girl going silent. Draken mentally groaned in his head, taking out his fliphone and asking the girl "Do you know you're parents phone number?"

The young girl looked at Draken, shaking her head and telling him "I don't..". "Wait, you don't know your own parents phone number?" "I....I don't thnk you should call them..." Draken looked at young girl in confusion,not knwing what she meant by that. "Where do you live at anyways?" Draken asked, the young girl tensing up and looking away.

"K...Kyoto..." The young girl muttered, making Draken widen his eyes. "You came from Kyoto?" Draken said, not knowing how the young girl managed to get from there all the way to Shibuya. The young girl nodded, confessing to Draken "I ran away from home....". The young girl than sat on her knees on the bed, telling Draken "Please don't send me back! I'll do anything, just please don't!"

Soon, to the suprise of Draken, Mikey quickly wrapped his arms around the young girl and hugged her tigthly. "Mind telling me your name" Mikey asked, the young girl at first going quiet before saying "Y/N...". Mikey smiled at Y/N, telling her him and Draken's names.

"You know, me and Ken-Chin have our own family..." Mikey said, Y/N looking up at him as he placed his forehed on hers.

"Do you want to stay with us?"

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now