Chapter 12

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"Ken-Nii! Mikey-Nii! It's a butterfly!" Y/N exclaimed, pointing to the insect that landed on a flower. Y/N ran over to it, bending down and giggling as she extended her finger out so that the butterfly could land on it. Once the butterfly started to flap it's wings, Y/N didn't see Takemichi playfully creeping up behind her. "Boo!" Takemichi said, putting his hands on Y/N's shoulder while the little girl flinched and looked back at him. The butterfly quickly flew away, Y/N pouting and giving Takemichi a mean glare.

"Takemitchy!" Y/N whined, Takemichi laughing as Y/N punched his legs. Draken and Mikey went over to the two, Draken kneeling down next to Y/N and patting her head. "Don't worry, we'll find another one." Draken reassured, picking Y/N up and carrying her to another part of the park. Mikey followed, Y/N starting to look around the bushes to see if she can find a insect. "A caterpillar!" Y/N said out in joy, picking the small green caterpillar with her finger and showing it to her big brothers.

Draken looked at the caterpillar with disgust, not being the biggest fan of insects and bugs. "Isn't it cute?" Y/N asked, Mikey nodding but Draken just shook his head and said "No, not at all." Y/N puffed her cheeks in annoyance, Mikey taking the caterpillar from her and shoving it in Draken's face. "Mikey, Hey stop!" Draken yelled, stepping back away from the caterpillar. Mikey only shoved it closer, causing Draken to run away while Mikey chased him.

Y/N laughed, following the boys and watching as Draken tripped and fell onto the ground. Y/N jumped on top of him, Draken looking at her with an annoyed expression on his face. "My Dragon!" Y/N exclaimed, hugging Draken as the older boy blushed slightly. However, Draken smiled and rubbed Y/N's back, Mikey playfully putting the caterpillar on his foreheads "What the hell!" Draken screamed, Y/N taking the caterpillar of his forehead and going over to the bushes. "Bye Bye, Mr.Caterpillar!" Y/N exclaimed, placing the caterpillar on one of the bushes leaves.

Mikey and Draken smiled, Draken standing back on his feet. "Hey, is that Takemichi's wifey?" Draken asked, noticing that Takemichi was now talking to Hina. Y/N saw this as well, smiling and going over to the young couple so that she can greet Hina. "Hina-Chan!" Y/N called out, Hina looking over to the little girl and waving at her. "Hello Y/N!" Hina said, Y/N hugging her while she giggled at this. "What are you two talking about?" Mikey asked, him and Draken going over to them as Takemichi blushed and nervously smiling. "I was asking him if he could go to the Mushashi festival with me." Hina said, Draken and Mikey realizing that the festival was tomorrow.

"Did you say yes?" Draken asked to Takemichi, Takemichi nodding and telling him "Of course, I'm her boyfriend after all!". Y/N's eyes started to sparkle as she looked back at her big brothers, asking them "Can we go to the festival too?". Draken blushed, about to say no until Mikey said "Yeah!". Y/N brightly smiled, jumping up and down as she sang "I'm going to a festival! I'm going to a festival!" The four teenagers smiled at the little girl's happiness, Hina going over to her and asking if she ever been to one before.

Y/N stopped jumping, frowning slightly as she twiddled her fingers and said "No...". "You never been to a festival before?" "Mommy never took me out to public places...." Hina than softly smiled, bending down to Y/N's height and telling her "Well, If that's the case.....

I'm going to give you the best festival experience ever!"

The day of the Mushashi festival arrived, Draken and Takemichi waiting for Y/N and Hina at the entrance. Hina was helping Y/N get into her Kimono, Y/N not exactly liking the texture of the fabric that the
Kimono was made out of. "There, we are done!" Hina exclaimed, tying up the obi on Y/N's  kimono with a big smile on her face. Y/N slightly scratched the kimono, having never wore one before in her life. "You look so cute!" Hina said, Y/N blushing and nodding in thanks for the compliment.

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now