Chapter 10

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Y/N happily took a bite out of her burger as she followed Mikey and Draken out the restaurant, some of the burger's crumbs getting on her face. As Y/N ate her burger, Draken gave Mikey an annoyed glance and asked him "Do you really need a flag with all of your kids meals?". Mikey only smirked and playfully said "It's not a kids meal without a flag~", Y/N giggling with a mouth full of burger.

Mikey and Draken turned around to face Y/N, the two softly smiling when seeing the happy girl. "Yummy!" Y/N exclaimed, Draken chuckling as Mary kneeled down and began to wipe the crumbs of her face. As Mikey finished wiping her face, the sound of a motorcycle's engine began to approach the three. "Mitsuya's here." Draken told Mikey, Mikey nodding and standing up as the motorcycle parked right in front of them.

Once Mikey got on the motorcycle, Draken told Mitsuya "Get Pah there tomorrow.". Mitsuya nodded, saying to Draken "No sweat, and I'll bring Peh along too.". "The warehouse at 2nd ms work?" Mitsuya asked, Draken thinking for a bit and said to the silver lilac haired boy "alright....". Y/N only watched the conversation in confusion, asking Mikey "Where are you going?". Mikey gave Y/N a small head pat, telling her "Suya-Chan is taking me home.".

"We'll hang out again tomorrow, okay?" Mikey said, Y/N nodding with a small frown on her face. Mikey than smiled at the young girl, Mitsuya starting the motorcycle back up and driving off. "See ya!" Mikey said, waving goodbye to Draken and Y/N as the motorcycle that carried him and Mitsuya went out of sight. Y/N took another bite out of her burger, a sour expression on her face as Draken looked behind him after hearing a noise coming from there.

"Ken-Nii....are you okay?" Y/N asked, Draken nodding and turning back to face her. Draken than noticed the frown on Y/N's face, Draken ruffling her hair in reassurance and saying "Tomorrow you'll see him again.". Y/N looked up at him, nodding her head as Draken took her small hand into his own. "C'mon, let's go back home." Draken said, about to head off but stopped when he when felt Y/N stay in where she was. Draken looked back and saw that Y/N had her eyes to the floor, nervously fidgeting her feet while she did.

Draken eventually let go Y/N's hand and asking her "Got something you want to tell me, Y/N?". Y/N looked up with an embarrassed blush, glancing away as she said "Yeah....". Draken sighed, kneeling to Y/N's height and said "What is it than?". Y/N started to twiddle her fingers, telling Draken "About you really have to fight them?". Draken's eyes went wide, not expecting that to be the question Y/N was going to ask.

"What do you mean by that?" "Mikey-Nii said that Toman was going to war with Moebius......." "and that's none of your concern, all you need to care about right now is-" Draken was soon interrupted by Y/N, who said with pleading eyes "But violence is wrong!". Y/N tried to hold back tears as she look down to her feet, saying with a shaky voice "I don't want my big brothers to get hurt....". Draken soon noticed that Y/N's tears were about to fall, quickly picking her up and holding her close.

"Don't cry......" Draken said in a soft tone, Y/N wiping the tears that were falling away with her sleeve as she sniffed slightly. Y/N looked at Draken, The older boy telling her "I know you don't want us to get hurt, but this is the only way we have to deal with them.". "Why?" "Because no matter how peaceful and nice you are to someone, they will never change their ways..." Y/N went silent when she heard that, her mind not being able to comprehend what Draken just said.

Draken saw this, pressing a small kiss to Y/N's forehead and said "If it makes you better, I'll pinky promise that I won't get hurt.". "And the others won't get hurt too?" "....yeah." Y/N smiled softly, wrapping her pinky around Draken's own, Draken smiling as well.


"Mikey!" Takemichi called out, entering the abandoned warehouse where Toman's private meeting was being held at. Mikey, Draken, Pah-Chin, and Peh-again all looked over at the out of breath boy, none of the four not having invited him over. "Why the hell are you here?" Draken asked, both Pah-Chin and Peh-Yan giving glares to Takemichi, "Last time I checked, you're supposed to be watching Y/N."

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang