Chapter 11

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Y/N tiptoed down the staircase, having been woken up by the sounds of someone talking downstairs. She made sure not to wake up her stepsister or stepbrother, knowing that if they caught her sneaking out her room at night, she would be put into the closet again by her mother. As Y/N held onto her lamb plushie close to her, she noticed that the kitchen light was on and slowly walked closely to it.

She than peaked inside the kitchen, holding back a gasp when she saw who was inside the room. It was her mother and stepfather, as well as a man dressed in a business suit that was sitting at the dining table. Y/N noticed that there was a piece of paper on the table, her mother and stepfather having just finished writing on it and pushing it back to the man in the business suit.

"Are you sure you want your daughter to stay with us?" The man in the business suit asked, Y/N's mother hesitantly nodding as her husband rubbed her back. "Wait....who is that man? What does he mean by 'stay with us''?" Y/N thought, watching as her mother become teary eyed. "I don't want her to leave me......but I just can't deal with her!" Y/N's mother cried out, covering her face as she began to sob. "Don't worry.....we'll take good care of her."  The man in the business suit told Y/N's mother, taking the piece of a paper and getting up from the chair he was sitting on.

"We will pick her up on Monday morning." The man in the business sui said,  Y/N now realizing what was going on. " sending me away?" Y/N thought, beginning to sniff and have tears begin to form in her eyes. Y/N's sniffling was soon heard by the three in the kitchen, looking back to see Y/N. "My baby...." Y/N's mother muttered out, Y/N shaking her head and throwing her lamb plushie to the ground.

She than began to run back upstairs and to her room, her tears falling down as she sobbed out "You never loved me!"

Y/N woke up when she felt the sunlight hit her face, slowly opening her eyes and readjusting her vision. As Y/N sat up on the bed she was laying on, the memories of what happened earlier quickly flashed in her mind. After remembering everything, Y/N covered her mouth and held back a sob. "Pah-Nii...." Y/N muttered, growing fearful over what happened to the boy. She knew that he was arrested, but for how long would Pah-Chin be in jail?

As Y/N felt tears go down her face, she began to cry and pull her knees close to her chest. Y/N than looked around the room she was in, noticing that it wasn't Draken's room. The room seemed to belong to a teenage boy, with some posters plastered on the walls and a shelf that was filled books and other things. Y/N began to grow fearful, wanting to see her older brothers. Soon, the door to the room opened, revealing Takemichi who had heard Y/N's cried and came to check up on her.

"Takemitchy!" Y/N sobbed, extending her arms out towards the boy. Takemichi's eyes widened, not expecting Y/N to wake up so early, and much less start crying. As Takemichi went over to her side, Y/N wrapped her arms around him and held closely onto him. "Y/N...." Takemichi muttered, not knowing what he should do. He never had to take care of a little kid, so seeing now that he had to comfort Y/N, made him worry to no end. Takemichi than slowly wrapped his own arms around Y/N, softly shushing her in hopes of calming her down.

"There,'re okay." Takemichi whispered, Y/N nuzzling her face into his neck. "I want Ken-Nii and Mikey-Nii!" Y/N cried out, Takemichi frowning as she sniffled and rubbed her nose. "I'm afraid that you can't see them right now..." "Why?" Takemichi sighed, now seeing that he had to tell Y/N what happened while she was passed out. Takemichi sat on the bed, Y/N laying her head on his lap while he softly caressed her hair. "They....had a fight." Takemichi said, Y/N looking up at him with her red and puffy eyes.

"Why did they fight?" Y/N asked, Takemichi looking down at her and saying "It was because of what happened to you.". "Me?" Takemichi nodded, thinking back to the fight Draken and Mikey had. "When you passed out....Ken-Nii wanted to take you to the hospital....But Mikey-Nii didn't want to take you." "Why didn't he want to take me." "Because he didn't want the hospital to inform your family about what happened to you." Y/N sat up, rubbing her eyes as Takemichi looked at her with a sad smile. "After they fought, They went they're separate ways...and I had to watch over you for a bit." Takemichi said, Y/N frowning as she grabbed ahold of his hand.

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now