Chapter 5

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"She will be our mascot.....and our little sister."

When Draken heard that, he widen his eyes in shock. "Mascot?" Thought Draken as he watched Y/N hold onto Mikey closely, hiding her face from the rest of Toman.  While Draken was thankful that Mikey wasn't going to make Y/N be a official member of Toman, it still scared him that fact that he was now letting the young girl be involved with it.

Mikey chuckled as he felt Y/N snuggle into him, looking down at her as he put her down. "Go say hi, Y/N~" Mikey sweetly said, Y/N only hiding behind him as she saw that the entirety of Toman were now looking at her. "They look scary..." Y/N thought, grabbing onto Mikey's legs for comfort. Soon, a small chuckle came from Mitsuya, the silver lilac haired boy going over to Y/N and kneeling to her height.

"Y/N? That's a cute name." Mitsuya said, smiling at Y/N to show that he was friendly. Y/N only blushed shyly, making Mitsuya laugh as Y/N told him "My name's not cute....". Mikey smiled, patting Y/N's head and saying to her "You can go with Mitsuya, he's a really nice guy.". Y/N looked up at Mikey as the older boy softly pushed her towards Mitsuya, Mitsuya extending his hand out so that Y/N could take it.

Y/N at first was hesitant to do so, wanting to stay close with Mikey. Mitsuya saw this and softened his expression, reassuring Y/N by saying "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt if you that's what you're thinking.". This made Y/N muster up some courage to take Mitsuya's hand, Mitsuya smiling and leading the young girl over to the rest of Toman so that they could meet her.

When Mitsuya went back to the rest of Toman, he felt his hand that was being grabbed by Y/N be released and looked behind him to see that Y/N wasn't beside him. "Y/N?" Mitsuya asked, looking around to see where she went only to hear Baji yell out "KID, LET GO OF ME!"

Mitsuya turned around to where Baji was and saw that Y/N had grabbed a hold of Baji's legs and was hugging them, a big smile on her face as she exclaimed "Pretty man!". Baji was less than pleased, blushing madly and trying to get Y/N off him. Mitsuya held back a snicker, seeing Baji try to free his leg by pulling Y/N off, but it was to no avail.

"Baji-San, I think she likes you." Chifuyu playfully said, chuckling as Baji gave him an annoyed look. Baji looked down at Y/N and saw that she was looking up at him, telling him "You look really pretty!". Baji's face got hotter, not liking how attached Y/N was to him. Baji looked over at Mitsuya, asking him "Can't you do something about this?". Mitsuya just shook his head, telling Baji "But she looks so cute with you!"

Baji got irked, glaring down at Y/N as she only looked back at him with a big smile. Baji just stuck his tongue out to Y/N in hopes of getting her to let him go, but Y/N only giggled and held onto him tighter. "Can somebody rip her off me please!" Baji asked, hoping that one of his friends could get her off of him. Muto sighed, going over to Baji and saying to him "I'll see what I can do..."

Muto than grabbed Y/N and started to pull her off of Baji, saying to her "Okay, I think that's enough of "Pretty man" for you tonight little missy.". Y/N only started to whine, pouting and sticking her tongue out at Muto as he managed to get her to unwrap both of her arms away from Baji's legs. "No!" Y/N shouted, trying to free herself from Muto's arms as Baji moved away from her a bit, smirking at her in mockery.

As Muto put Y/N down, Y/N quickly started to tear up, mad that she wasn't hugging Baji anymore. "Pretty!" Y/N yelled, running back over to Baji , Baji quickly giving her a pissed off look and pushed her away from him. Toman gasped when they saw Y/N fall down on her behind, Baji himself shocked over what he did. "I didn't mean to push her that hard...." Baji thought, seeing Y/N looking up at him in shock.

"Baji....what did you do?" Mitsuya asked, a small cry coming from Y/N which proceeded into a sob. Toman went into shock as they heard the loud sobs coming from Y/N, Y/N having covered her face with her hands as she cried into them. "Someone calm her down!" A member yelled, causing Mitsuya, Chifuyu and Muto to crowd around her. This didn't make things better, Y/N only moving away from them and covering herself with the hood of her yellow hoodie as she cried even harder, not liking that she was being crowded.

"Mitsuya, do you know what to do?" Chifuyu asked, Mitsuya slowly going over to Y/N and kneeling down to her. "Hey Y/N, mind if I-" Mitsuya stopped himself when Y/N swatted his hand away, her cries getting louder which managed to catch the attention of both Mikey and Draken. "What happened?" Mikey asked, him and Draken pushing past multiple Toman to arrive to where Y/N was.

Draken looked over at Y/N and saw her in her distress state, realizing just how similar her meltdown was to the time she had an episode on getting her hair braided. Draken quickly picked Y/N up and held her close, Y/N cries not stopping as he only tried to get Draken to let her go. "What did you do?" Mikey angrily asked, trying to see what caused Y/N's tantrum. The members of Toman were too scared to answer, knowing the beating they would receive if they confessed what happened.

Draken looked at Y/N, hearing her whisper as she tried to wipe her tears "Pretty man....I want Pretty man....". "Pretty man?" Draken thought confused, only realizing what he meant when he looked over at Baji. Draken went over to Baji and handed Y/N to him, saying "Take her, she wants you." Baji shook her his, telling Draken "No! I'm not letting her cling onto me again!".

"Do you want her to keep crying?" "...." "you caused this, you fix this." Baji reluctantly took Y/N into his arms, holding her close and shushing her as he rubbed her back. "Alright you brat, I got you...." Baji whispered, Y/N's cries starting to die down as she cuddled into Baji, Baji blushing as he saw this. Baji soon felt Y/N start to play with his black hair, noticing that a smile was back on her face.

"You have pretty hair..." Y/N said, Baji chuckling and saying "Yeah....I'm pretty...."


Mikey chuckled as he watched Y/N laugh, seeing that she was getting playfully chased by Smiley. For the last hour, Y/N was playing around with Toman, having already been used to them and calling all of them her "Onii Chans"

As Mikey was about to go over to Y/N and the others, he felt his shoulder get grabbed and looked behind him to see Draken. "You'll sure she'll be okay?" Draken asked, seeing that Y/N was now caught by Smiley and was being tickled by him. Mikey smiled and nodded, but noticed that Draken had a look of worry in his eyes.

"I don't want Y/N to be out in danger because of our stupidity..." Draken said, looking down while biting his lip. Mikey understood what Draken meant by this, Telling the taller boy "and I won't let that happen.". "You promise?" "Yeah....I'm not letting my little sister be taken from me." Draken smirked when he hear that, him and Mikey hearing their names soon being called to them by Y/N.

"Come play with us!" Y/N exclaimed, being held by Chifuyu as she waved her arms towards the two leaders of Toman. Mikey and Draken chuckled, the two going over to Y/N and hearing what she wanted to play with them.

"Our little sister....."

ㄒ卄乇尺乇千ㄖ尺乇, ㄚㄖㄩ 卂几ᗪ 爪乇 (Tokyo Revengers x Autistic Child Reader)Where stories live. Discover now