Chapter 13 - Dancing Upon The Rain

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The time was like stopping when the silver haired lady they knew the most was addressing the hooded woman with the name they always knew. Riku. It was the younger sister who always called her siblings with '-chan' suffix. How could they miss this kind of fact?

It was a hard lesson from taking assumption that people would grow out from their childhood habit. Sometimes people just stuck with it even when they grew up.

"Treating me like a child as always, Nee-chan?" Riku greeted her back coldly. "And what are you trying to gain by impersonating this childish little sister of yours?"

"Should I really answer that?"

"No. I could see it from how you gain those eyes. At last you decided to copy a Sharingan, huh?"

"Yeah. It's Itachi-niisan's."

Seeing how the three spiraling curves blinked on her eyes were sealing all the deals off. It was indeed Itachi's Sharingan. Sasuke recognized it so much as he faced them tons of times before. No, three of them aware about it so much. There was no doubt.

The one who stayed with them was Rei, who allegedly became Riku, instead otherwise.

However, seeing his beloved brother magenkyo seemed wrecked the short silver haired lady smirk. "So, Itachi-niichan came to the village at last. He must have been worried about you."

"Most probably heart-broken because he found how the little sister he doted so much could sell out her older sister and the village to the enemy."

"Goodness, I was doing that for you. Besides, Itachi-niichan already evacuated the village to somewhere else before it happens, right?" Now with Riku's answer, they knew what was happened completely. "You should just join us when Nagato came to you, Sis. You always stayed in the village so you don't know anything at all."

Hearing that, Rei paused. She knew what she meant by 'doing this for her.' In her own way, although it was straightly wicked, deep inside she knew that Riku would always put her family first. So, she stared at her with softened gaze she rarely gave to other people, except for her. "Riku, let me tell you two things. First, about the clan."

Riku squinted her eyes. "What? Do you want to defend Konoha now just like what you did before?"

"Don't get me wrong, I don't like Konoha that much." Rei only shrugged. "They killed our families and clan, but that's it."

"That's it?! How could you, Nee-chan!" Riku shouted as if didn't believe she said that. "They were fighting for the truth! Shisui-niichan proved it! He proved that our clan has no wrong!"

"Who says I'm talking about that? I'm talking about that night."

Now, everyone startled. Why suddenly she brought about this matter? Wasn't it already clear that— "Do you think Shisui-niisan and Itachi-niisan were the ones who eliminated those Konoha's ANBU?"

"They did save us, Nee-chan! If only Shisui-niichan and Itachi-niichan weren't there—"

"You always said like that. But, you did know the truth, didn't you? Maybe you could tell me from Shisui-niisan's memories that you hold."

Riku was obviously frustrated but she couldn't answer. Sasuke was dumbfounded with the development and found that Naruto and Sakura were in the same mind with him. From Ibiki's stories, it was already stated that Shisui would be most likely the one who made the deed. But then, Sasuke's eyes went to Naruto. He suspected him seeing some memories as he was under the genjutsu from his reaction earlier, perhaps triggering Shisui's or Riku's memories. And when he saw him grimaced, he realized.

This was all wrong. It was indeed an all-out war.

"Quite a twist, huh? Then, it just proved that our clan were killing their comrades."

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