Chapter 2 - Konoha's Mistakes

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"Yeahh... That was one hard to beat."

Kakashi and the other Kage were already back on their seats, excluding Raikage, Mizukage and Tsuchikage (Oonoki bad back was coming again) who was still recovering. They were substituted by their right-hand-man as the discussion started. "How is Raikage and Mizukage? Are they alright?"

"Your medical squad are still trying to heal them, but," Chojuro sighed. "That genjutsu is so strong indeed. It will take time."

"Having an opponent who had a strong genjutsu is already bad. But having it with a nature manipulation, it is a whole different level," said Kurotsuchi. "Just who the hell is she?"

"Well, perhaps the one who saves us this time might have an idea."

"Then I guess you should prepare your interrogation team ready, Hokage," said Darui. "That young lady is very suspicious."

"Wait. What?" Kurotsuchi complained. "She just saved our lives!"

"But we must be on the same mind that this young lady most probably from Mizuki clan," Chojuro sighed again. "Silver hair, chakra nullifier, and high medical jutsu are completely their trademark. And if she is from that clan, personally I don't think interrogation would work either. They are type of persons that won't selling out their comrades easily. They are that loyal."

"I don't think we should be in a rush. A matter of Mizuki clan must be personal for internal affairs in Konoha. So, I suggest that we, who came from another village, shouldn't interfere," said Gaara as if reminding them to control their wild assumption. "And judging from how the assailant showed up, perhaps, she didn't expect that all of us would be here at that time. Facing all Five Kages alone is a reckless move. Not even Sasuke was that rash when he did it last time."

"So, you suggest that she was targeting something else rather than ambushed the Kages?" asked Kurotsuchi.

"Perhaps, the Hokage can answer that."

"Well, if put it that way, then I agree with you." Kakashi leaned back to his chair. "She was clearly targeting me."

The other Kages were silent. There was a certain degree of sensitivity that they didn't want to talk about it further. Ever since the clan's notorious betrayal was known, the other Kages felt there was something amiss toward the incident. They sold out the information about the secret meeting of Konoha and Iwa for having truce to Suna, which resulted the cancelling truce between the two because of the sand prevention. However, in the same time, it gave Suna nothing at all as well, which made them questioning for what purpose they led them into such kind of condition. That incident became an uproar and confusing for other nations as well, enough to make them wondered what was truly happened to the one of the strongest clan in the world even until now.

Yet, after more than a decade passed and the five countries decided to make an alliance, this mystery was emerged again from the intelligence sharing between the countries. Since the case was too sensitive, only Kages and top leader in intelligence team level that had knowledge about this. "Having one of their survivor really making everything complicated. Are you sure to be lenient toward this?" asked Darui. "This could be a trap. Don't forget if that clan was specialized for spying so this could be one of their conspiracies. If that fight was staged, for example, then we just let the person we don't want to have the most to penetrate us here."

"About that, I would like to give her a benefit of doubt. I will try to talk with her first," said Kakashi. After that, he glanced to Gaara. "Kazekage, would you like to accompany me for this? Since she had something with Konoha, perhaps having you here would give us a neutral side in case something happen."

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