Chapter 1 - Clan of Mirrors

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"Retrieving a Missing Nin?"

Naruto, Sakura, Hinata and Sai was standing in front of Kakashi who sat down on the Hokage's chair. Shikamaru stood beside his desk and just completed the mission briefing which Sakura responded, "And it's not even written in the Bingo Book? How come?"

"Because that person just destroyed our ANBU forces recently."

Now everyone remembered what Shikamaru mentioned. It was one of the saddest incident after the war finished two years ago. Corpses of Konoha's ANBU were found scattered around nearby Amegakure-Konoha border, where the place was supposed to be the point of gathering for ANBU alliance to do their war restoration mission. As one of the team that supposed to follow after them and ended being spared, Shikamaru took a deep breath as he remembered that day. "The skirmishes happened so fast. And those who fallen are our top tiers ANBU. Gladly, the other ANBU from the other villages weren't getting caught with it, or else it would be an international crimes. But, that incident put on halt the mission all together and most probably that person might be still lingered around."

"You always say 'that person' 'that person'. Have no information at all aside from that?" asked Naruto.

"No. Only a silver hair was the information that we found."

"A silver hair?"

"That would be vague enough to be a starting point," said Sai. "Are our intelligence division had analyze it?"

"Well, the result just recently went out and it surely out from what we think it was." Kakashi paused a bit. He suddenly looked so sad as if remembering something from the past. "Most probably that person was from Mizuki Clan, Mirror Kekkei Genkai user."

"Mizuki Clan?"

It was obvious that only Naruto didn't know about it. While the others in the room already learnt that name from their clans or in-depth learning from high profile mentor, like Sakura, and from Root intelligence for Sai, this information was stored as classified within Konoha's region. "Mizuki Clan was one of the finest intelligence gathering members Konoha ever had. They were our best spies, before they got wiped out because they sold Konoha's information to outsiders."

Now, Naruto tensed. This kind of stories from Kakashi somehow reminded him about another familiar case in mind. It seemed Uchiha was not the only one who found their demise, which made his heart started hurting to wonder about what happened.

"We already went to the record and it was confirmed that they should have been eradicated. Hence, it is alarming for us if there was a survivor now. Worst, that person specifically wanted to harm Konoha, noticing from what happened. But, no matter how troublesome it is, we need to make sure first of that person cause and motive, which we need to capture that person alive."

"So, that's why you asked us to do the mission and not the ANBU, huh?" asked Naruto. His frown got relaxed a bit.

"Well, that is one of reason, although assassination would be easier than capturing people alive," said Kakashi. "But the other thing is, if that person was someone from Mizuki Clan, then it is clear that person wasn't someone that we could underestimate. From all of the skills and capabilities they had, their eye jutsu is one of the lethal thing we could face, almost on the same level with Sharingan and Byakugan. Their chakra control and stamina recovery is also in the top notch as their high healing and regeneration technique was the one that made them could penetrate the other villages easily. Hence, a battle with lots of chakra and lots of precision would be something that unavoidable."

"As the Five Kage's meeting is approaching tomorrow, we couldn't spare a lot of people to attend this mission," said Shikamaru. "And with that precision thing, handling it with a lot of people would just made it more troublesome. So, I guess you understand now why all of you are here."

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