Chapter 6 - The Truth Behind The Veil

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Sasuke were under the same genjutsu as soon as he arrived. The memories were replaying back to the first scene after it was finished just like movies that kept repeating and repeating again. However, after he saw the entire story, he knew that something was still up.


So, he used his magenkyo sharingan to crash the genjutsu. As he thought, it was unfolding another memories that hidden within which starting in the forest nearby.

There was Shisui, Itachi and the twin Mizuki. The youngest Riku was seen crying loudly as Rei looked scared of what to do. "You're so reckless!" Shisui's tones were sharp this time as he reached Riku to examine her injuries. "If something's happened, you should shout and ask us for help. Don't do this on your own next time. It's dangerous."

Sasuke thought for a while and wondered in which memories he was in. Looking at their age, perhaps the timeline had gone rewind a bit, but he wondered how did his genjutsu triggered this moments. Just after he noticed that a young Itachi was standing beside him, he realized that it was his brother's memories he saw.

Rei froze as Shisui reprimanded hardly. As he busied to take care of the Riku's sprained ankle, she looked at the back of the big brother who are closest to her heart while holding her tears. Itachi saw this from the sidelines and noticed it. He carefully approached her and without warning took her with him and made a high jump toward the forest.

Rei was confused of why her other big brother was taking her quite far from them. But, as he sat her down on a dead tree trunk, he just started to examine her around gently without any words. As he thought, a huge scratch was hiding behind her arm sleeves while her hands had several deep cuts. He started to rummage his pocket for the first aid tools while saying, "Why didn't you tell? It hurts, isn't it?"

Clearly that her injuries were far worse than her younger sister, yet she still held up her cries and pain. The way she held it up was helping him to do the first aid faster compared to what he experienced with Riku, who will just cried out dramatically from getting a cut. However, that demeanor was just making his concern deeper. "You're sad because you think Shisui is angry with you?"

The young girl started to let out a cough. It was obvious that her tears was in the verge of falling, but she still held it up. Quickly, she nodded. Itachi smiled sadly. He already knew that she would misunderstand his best friend. "Both Shisui and me is not angry with you two. He was just so worried if something worst happens. Although he said it that way, it doesn't mean that he blamed you."

Now, the tears were fallen. But she still tried to force herself to calm down. Noticing this struggle, Itachi said, "Why are you so upset?"

She said bitterly, "Shisui nii-san said an older sibling should be tougher to protect the younger ones." And her cries next was showing how she felt she failed to do that.

The words sunk down. It was something that Itachi had living on in his entire life. To endure, to hold it up. Everything for the sake to protect his sibling, for his family, for his clan, for his village, for peace. The way she uttered and struggled with it was something he could relate the most. But it was also something that cut deep inside his heart.

"You're right, the older should learn how to endure and be stronger for their younger ones," said him. "However, although you are Riku's older sister, remember that you're still Shisui and my younger sister. Although we are not related by blood, we think both of you that way. And because of it, because we are your older brothers, I want you to ask us for our help in case something happens. We are the older ones, so it is obvious that we should protect and take care of you. So don't take it all by yourself, okay?"

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