I pack my things and slip them back into my backpack. I get up and as usual, I wait for Misty. She takes about two minutes to finish putting her stuff away. She walks towards me and nods telling me we can go.

We start walking to the first floor. I take a quick glance behind me and see Ash not too far away, going in the same direction as us. I totally forgot I have second period with him as well.

Ash's P.O.V.

I have no idea where my next class is, so I will just quietly follow Serena and her friend. I remember her saying we have the next class together too. I see them take a left turn at the end of the hall. I pick up my pace, and take the left turn. I walk down the flight of stairs and I see them go into a classroom at the end of the hall. I'm guessing this is where my class is too. I enter the classroom.

"Hey!! New kid!" A boy waves to me.

"Huh?" I look at him. I soon recognize he was one of the guys with Serena earlier today.

"Come sit with us!" Another boy says.

I do as they say, and sit down next to the boy with the glasses.

"I'm Clemont." The boy next to me smiles.

"I'm Gary."

"I'm Barry."

"My name's Paul." Another boy smirks.

"And I'm Drew."

"Hello. You guys already know my name." I chuckle.

"Yup. It's Ash." Gary says.

"We 6 are the best of buddies." Barry says as he crosses his arms.

"6? There's only five of you guys." I look around and count them.

"Plus Kenny. He is sitting with the girls." Drew says as he points towards Kenny.

"Oh, I see." I say.


"You are welcome to join our squad." Barry says.

"Squad? Alright then." I smile.

"Hello children." The teacher starts.

"I really don't like the fact we still get called children. We are 15 turning 16 for arceus' sake." Gary says to the group.

"Tell me about it." Drew smirks.

"As you all may have noticed we have a new student. Please introduce yourself." The teacher looks at me.

"Oh, ok. I am Ash Ketchum, I transfered from Sunnyside High in the Kanto Region." I say.

"Alright. I hope you all give Ash a proper welcoming later today." The teacher says.

I take a glance to the left, and catch a girl staring at me. She sees me looking at her, and winks at me. Okay then...not weird at all.

"Urm, who is that?" I turn to Clemont and motion towards the girl.

"Oh, that's Miette. It's best you stay away from her. She can be a real pain sometimes." Clemont says.

"Oh, alright." I say as I look back at the teacher.

"Like I said yesterday, we are going to be battling. I hope you all trained your pokemon, because I am grading you on this." The teacher says.

"Wait, miss?" Iris puts her hand up. "Are you grading us based on who wins?"

"No, that would be unfair. I will be grading you on how well you work with your pokemon." She says.

"Alright." Iris says.

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