Bonus Chapter 1

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It has been almost 72 hours since their talk about what Si needs from him. Liam decided to do some research on how they could possibly make sex more comfortable for Si. He felt silly but he decided to Google the best sex positions during pregnancy. He could not believe he was doing research on this topic, but he will be damned if he lets Si feel the way she has been feeling.

Si had a check-up with the midwife, and she assured them that Si's pregnancy was normal and there wasn't any reason that Si and Liam could not resume their regular sex life. The only caution given was to avoid lying flat on her back since this position can interfere with blood flow to the placenta. Though Liam loves the feel of Si under him, he knew that this was not going to be possible. He fully wanted to make sure that she was comfortable and satisfied.

During his research he came across the best sex positions for the 2nd and third trimesters, he was amazed that human women's pregnancy lasted for 40 weeks. He was so glad that he wasn't human or a woman. With the anticipation of fulfilling the kinky card, he wants to make sure that he was prepared, to blow her mind. He also read that sometimes her orgasms will be intensified during the stage of pregnancy because she was definitely in the classification of women whose sex drive increases during the second trimester. Si had woken him up many times giving him head. He shifted in his seat at the thought of waking up like that. He smiled at the thought of how pleased Si is going to be.

The next morning Liam had gotten up early to let his lion out for a run, as he needed to to release some energy, and his lion was still upset that their mate, thought that they did not desire her anymore, oh how wrong she was. When get got back to there room, he went into the bathroom and decided to run them a bath, he made sure that they water was hot but not to hot. He put Jasmine and rose petals in the bath water, then he went to awaken his love, his life, his Si.

"Good morning my Love, I have drawn us a bath. Come join me." He said in a sultry voice. Si yawns and see that liam is just in a towel, that is sitting very low on his hips. Did he just see...? Nah, just the way the sunlight hit her face.

"Li, a bath sounds nice, but body has been achy for the last couple of days. " Si smiles as Liam helps her out of bed and leads her to their bathroom. He brushes her hair into a messy bun on the top of her head like she does anytime she is taking a bath, then helps her to undress and discards his towel and steps into the large soaking tub. He hold his hand out for Si to take it and helps her step into the tub. He sits down and has her sit in between his legs.

Once she is settle he leans back pulling gently back with him. Si sighs as the warmth of the water and Liam envelope her. Li is gently rubbing her belly, then all of sudden he felt a very strong kick.

"Wow, was that..I mean how long have you been feeling this?" Li asks,

"For about a few days now. They are really getting active. First time I felt them move was really weird then, I thought, our babies are really in there and growing." Si sighs.

"Why did you not tell me?" Liam cannot believe how he missed this.

"Li, you have been busy and I am sorry, it was late and they were not moving around much, but now they are, and you get to feel it. The babies are going to be strong, just like their father." Si puts her hand on top of his and moves it so that he can feel another kick. They sit like that for some time and once they stop kicking, Liam bathes his very pregnant mate. Once done He helps her out of the tub, dries her off, and applies her favorite cream to her body. They get dressed and Liam tells her to go sit on the veranda, he will bring breakfast to her.

Si is enjoying the view from her balcony at Pallios, she is wondering that after the little ones arrive will they stay here are go to Applewood since it is closer to the Palace. How much would their lives change? Well today, they were having a baby shower so Liam would be around all day. A wicked grin spreads across her face. Today, she will say two magic words.

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