The Journey Begins (Part 3)

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"Liam, will you fucking listen to me!" Leah screamed. "Si cannot arrive in Aenidaea with you. I know you don't like it, but she can't. You cannot be seen with her until the masquerade ball. It has to be convincing that you just met her. Countess Cunt and the Queen Mother from Hell, will be looking for anything they can use to manipulate this situation. Plus, after you guys left, Aaron and Mitchell disappeared. I would not be surprised if the hyenas followed you here."

"What do you suggest?" Liam hates to admit it, but Leah is right.

"I flew over in my private plane, I will take Si, Allan, Em with me. You will take Collin with you, if we are going to make this work, then Si cannot know that Collin is in Aenidaea."

"Well what about Em, won't she think that it is suspicious that Em is going with her?" Allan asks.

"No, I will let Em know what is going on, you forget, she is my mate, we have the link," Collins says. "Liam, I know that you don't like this, but I promise you I will not let anything happen to her, and if something goes down, you will be the first one I call, but Leah is right."

"Fine," Liam sighs, "I don't like it, but I cannot live without her. I need her to be safe. I want to see her before we leave though. It's 12:25 now, Dax wants to leave by 3, so Leah why don't you leave at 5 or 6 that way it is very late when you get home. Suitors will not be arriving to the Palace until late Sunday morning. I will put her room close to mine as possible. Leah, she will stay with you in the same wing, I know that Lisa will be down the hall, I need you to keep her away from Si as much as you can."

Leah nods. Liam calls Si to see if she wanted to meet for lunch, she tells him that they just finished shopping and she is going back to the house to have Chinese and a packing party. He tell her that he will be there as soon as they were packed, and that they would leave from her house to go to the airport.

Everyone gathers at Si's apartment and they go over the plan of how Si and Em were going to go with Leah and Allan and they will go to the Beaumont estate until they have to be at the Palace. Em was glad about the extra time to help Si pack. Si was a little upset that she will not be spending time with Liam until Sunday night, and that she has to pretend to be a suitor, but she truly believe in Liam and his desire for her. So, if this is how it has to be, then so be it.

Liam and Si sneak to her bedroom while the new friends were talking. "I am sorry that you cannot fly with me, but I promise you that I will only have eyes for you. I want you to get to know people before we declare to them that you are my mate, if that is what you wish to be." Liam says.

"What happens if I decide that I don't want to be there?" Si asks, she can see the glimmer leave his eyes, he doesn't want to pressure her, but she deserves his honesty.

"I will lose my place as alpha and king. I will never take another as my Queen." 

"Liam, I can't let you sacrifice all that for me." 

"Now, that I have found you, I and my lion know what we stand lose if you are not with us. You have felt a connection to me since we first laid eyes on each other, right?" Liam implores. 

"Yes, I did. I never bring someone home with me , not like that, I just need you to know that. I don't know why, but you feel like home to me. I can trust you with anything." Si says, she feels so open when she is with him. "I am so tired of secrets. It feels like my whole life has been one giant secret. Like I really didn't know my parents at all. Promise me, no secrets."

Liam kisses Si on her forehead, "There is something else, Lisa, my stepmother's niece. She doesn't like competition. The plan is to have Leah and Em watch over you, I will also assign a guard to you. I am not trying to scare you, but I need to let you know all that you are getting into by entering my social season. I would rather declare my intentions and be done with this, but I fear that I would ..."

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