New York Bound

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Three Weeks Later


"Hey, how was the meeting with the step witch?" Allan questions Liam.

"It was fine, she is really pulling out all the stops for this social season, one I might add I do not want. But it is for the good of the people, blah, blah, blah."

"Well you know she is right, after Louis left, then your father passing, everyone is nervous about what will happen next. Your social season will give them something to distract them and hope for a new royal couple to lead us." Allan stated bluntly. "And I think you could use a distraction as well." A sly grin spreads across his face.

"Oh, no, I know that look, Max, last time you gave me that look, I cannot remember what happened exactly, but we were surrounded by peacocks. NO, NO, NO!"

"Before you completely say no. Let me tell you that it was Dax's idea and he is in charge of everything; there will be no peacocks involved." Max whines. "He said if I pull any 'Allan antics' I can't go."

"Go where?"

"Allan, shut up!"

"Dax, I didn't tell him you were taking him to New York," explained Allan,

"You just did you, idiot."

"Oh, I am sorry."

"New York, huh," Liam considers the idea, arching his eyebrow in thought, "I've always wanted to go there. When do we leave?"

" I am hoping that we leave the next week, still have to put a few more safety measures in place, then you, me, Max will board a plane and leave this behind for four days. We will leave Monday around 9:30 - 10 am. We should arrive in New York around 5:30 - 6 pm, a car will be waiting to take us to the hotel. We will have Tuesday through Friday night to do whatever, and fly home, Saturday morning so that you will be back and rested before the Masquerade Ball on Sunday night."

"At least I will have something to look forward to." Liam thought as he gazed outside of his window overlooking the hedge maze his mother had created when he was small. God how he missed her.

The rest of the week passed quickly, his endless meeting with nobles and counsel took up most of his time that he did not even get to ask Dax all the details of the trip. Janice filled dinner conversation with the upcoming social session events and how Liam should keep an open mind, how Lisa is the choice that made the most sense. She could be the Queen that the country needed, but Liam knew in his heart, that she wasn't the one that he or his lion wanted. Spending life with Lisa fills him with dread. She was not the one for him.

"Liam, I don't know why you will not just choose Lisa. She was your father's choice for Louis before he abdicated; she still was his choice for Queen, before he passed. You need someone to help you secure your place on the throne, why must you be so foolish?" she chides him.

"I have already stated to you, I have no interest in Lisa, and yet she is still a suitor because that is your wish. I do not want to pick someone just for the sake of choosing someone. Father did that twice, and look how happy he was." Liam could see that his words infuriate her, still, her face does not show any emotion, but there is a fierce glow in her eyes. He knew that his mother was his father's true mate and that she had been poisoned. His father married Janice for the sake of the kingdom, but he never truly loved her. He never got over the death of his mother.

"Yes, your commoner mother was your father's true mate, and look where that got her, Killed. Your father mourned her so much that he almost lost his throne, and if that would have happened if he had? He found out the hard way that ruling had nothing to do with love, but strength and power, and being willing to do whatever needed to be done for us to survive."

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