Healing Begins

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Liam and Si walk hand in hand to the suite, he stops and hands her a set of keys that are on an apple keychain.

"These are your set of keys, they open, our suite, our studies, our offices, and a safe room. Though I hope you never have to use the latter." Liam's smile fades just a little at the thought of having to use a safe room. "You want to do the honors?"

Si giggles and opens the door to their suite. Liam lifts her up bridal style and carries her over the threshold. Once inside he kicks the door closed with his foot. He carries her over to the couch and sits down with her on his lap. Si takes in the scene. This suite screams regal, traditional, and old. Liam can see Si's disapproval of the room.

"What's wrong, I can see by your wrinkled nose you do not like the room."

"It's not that I don't like it, it just doesn't seem like you. I don't know, I guess, I when I imagine something a little more modern or at least brighter colors. All this darkness is just depressing."

Liam laughs, "Well, you will get to redesign our suite any way that you want to. I trust your judgment. After we announce our upcoming wedding, you can begin planning the suite. I just ask that you make enough room for our growing family."

Si looks at Liam, her eyes grow wide as his implications start to sink in.

"What? Are you sure? How do you know when I don't even know?" Si exclaims.

"I will answer your question in order. Yes, I am sure, your scent has changed, I can smell them. You're not that far along, but it is enough that we can sense the slightest change in your scent. Are you not happy?"

"I ... I am in shock. OMG! We are going to be parents. Holy Shit. Liam are you happy, I mean everything started so fast, you have Janice to deal with, the council. What if they don't like me? Then what will you do? Oh God, Liam, did I just make your life that much more difficult? Because that is the last thing that I want to do."

Liam chuckles and kisses her. "Love, I am overjoyed that you are carrying my cubs, there is no one else that I want to be the mother of my children. They will love you because you are my true mate. I know that you will help me lead with grace, intelligence, diplomacy. You were born to be by my side. I believe in you, in us, in our family. I just need you to promise me that you will follow all security protocols. No matter how stupid or unnecessary you think they are. Please understand I will lock you in this room until they are born if I have to. Even though locking you in our bedroom does not seem like a bad idea." he says raising his eyebrows.

Si laughs, "I have no doubt that you would Mr. Overprotective. I will do my very best to live up to the faith you have in me." She kisses Liam, just as he was about to deepen the kiss, Si pulls away abruptly, "Hold on, did you say cubs? Like lion cubs? How many are we talking?"

Liam laughs looking at the confusion and slight fear on his mate's face. "I don't mean to laugh at you but you are so cute when you are flustered." Si slaps his shoulder, "Yes, they will be shifters, but they will be born as human babies, does that word make you feel better?" Si nods, as he continues. "They will not go through their shift until they are about 9 months to a year old."

"Really, that young, I know that you are the Alpha, but will they listen to me as they will you since I am human?" Si asks.

"Love, we are their Alphas, they will listen, they will know that we are Alpha. If they don't, you have me as backup, always. And to answer your question, I smell 3 little ones, it will be an interesting 25 weeks."

"They will be here in 25 weeks, a normal pregnancy is about 40; I have no idea about triplets."

"Well a normal shifter pregnancy is 25 weeks, and our children will be shifters." Liam smiles. "I love the sound of that, 'Our children,"

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