The Web is Unwinding

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Lisa is pacing back and forth in her study at her duchy, she needed a plan, their wedding was in two weeks, she needed her gone. She should be the one planning their wedding, it should be her carrying his heir, it was her right.

"Lisa, why are you so tense? Just remember 3 drops is all you need to become all that you are seeking."

"I thought it was five drops," Lisa hisses.

"No, 3 drops. Three drops and the crown and the King are yours"

"Countess, who are you talking to?" Mitchell asks, looking very confused, as there was no one else in the room with her.

"Ah, Mitchell, it is about time you showed up. Did you take care of Aaron?"

"Yes my Love, I did. He will be found hanging from his entry stairwell. I note confessing all his sins. Now we can leave this land behind and start our lives together." Mitchell says, enveloping her in his arms, and kissing her passionately.

"Oh, Love, you have made me so happy, I want to stay and go to the Royal Wedding. My absence will not go unnoticed. I will be there." Lisa coos.

"Lisa, really, after all they have done to you. You still want to show support to them? This country can go straight to hell for all I care. I hate seeing what it has done to you. Where is my sweet woman?" he asks.

"She's Dead." Lisa says, as she pulls the trigger, and there is a muffled noise, Mitchell's body crumples to the floor. Lisa steps over the body and walks out the room, closing the door.

Liam and Si are enjoying picking out the final decorations for their wedding with their friends. Liam is especially happy to see Si full of smiles. She was practically glowing.

They men were on one side of the boutique getting the finishing touches on their tuxes.

Liam looks at his friends and smiles.

"Louis, I know know that being here is hard for you at times, but I really appreciate that you are here for me."

"Liam, no need to thank me, just name one of you kids after me, and all will be fine." Louis laughs, clapping Liam's shoulder.

"Well, Since Dax is my best man, I was wondering if you would do the honor of officiating our wedding."

"Hey, I thought I was going to do that!" Allan exclaimed. "I got licensed online and everything."

"Allan, are you ordained in Aenidaea?" Dax asks.

"I don't really know they website was in French."

"Well, Allan, how about I take this wedding, and you can officates Dax's wedding. Deal?" Louis grins, as Dax scowls.

"Deal, I cannot wait to tell, Leah." Allan bonds to the otherside of the room before Dax could stop him.

"Leah, huh?" Louis and Liam say in unison.

"Does this look alright, it feels kinda tight." Dax says, changing the subject.

"Oh no, my dear friend, you are not getting out of this so quickly." Louis smirks.

"It is about damn, time!" Liam exclaims, "I thought you two would never stop lying to yourselves."

"Liam, seriously, have you met Leah?" Dax says, "It is not like you can just walk up to her and say 'Mine'"

"So when did this finally start?" Louis asks

"Aren't we here for your brother's wedding day, Louis? I am sure that he would like us focus on him today."

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