Old Wounds

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It is nearly six am when Liam awakens, he looks down at his mate's sleeping form beside him. He was so lucky to find her, so lucky that she is his betrothed, so lucky that she loves him. She had taken the news rather well, but there were so many questions that still needed answers. He knows that they will need to go to Pallios soon, but now he needed to get ready to receive Louis and give him the news of Janice's treachery.

He gently kisses her forehead as he slides out of bed. She has had a long night, first, he had to tell her that her aunt was dead, trying to comfort her as much as he possibly could. He told her that they would leave and go back to the Palace and that she will be staying in his suite. She cried herself to sleep in his arms.

He slips out of bed, showers, and dresses. Walking over to the bed he places a note along with her mother's note, on his pillow. He walks over to the other side of the bed and kisses her cheek.

"Be safe my King," she sleepily yawns.

"I will, you be careful. Please do exactly what they tell you to do, my Love," he replies. Her scent fills his nose as he leaves her bedside. Could it be? He gazes at her, then turns to leave. Dax is waiting for him by car.

"Before you get upset, Collin and I were talking, I should really come back with you, Collin will drive Si, Em, and Leah back to the Palace, it will raise suspicion if I do not return with you. Liam, I know you are worried about her, but Collin and his family are her guards, you have to trust them." Dax points out as he opens Liam's door. Dax walks to the driver's side and gets in the backseat next to Liam. As they head back to the Palace, Liam is wondering how Louis was going to take the news."

The car pulls up at the Palace, James and Liam's butler are waiting for his arrival. Samuel greets Liam and takes his and Dax's luggage to their quarters. James walks with Liam straight to his office, as they walk, James is going down the meetings and events that Liam will need to attend. Lisa spots them and quickly tries to catch up.

"Liam, if I could have a moment of your time," she tries to sound distressed.

"I sorry Countess, but he has an appointment with me, and he is already late. And let's be honest, a moment is not all you want," Louis flashes Lisa his ever-so-popular panty-dropping smile. "Come, little brother, regale me of the happening of this gilded prison." Louis closes the door in Lisa's face. James could not contain his snicker, he looks at Louis and shrugged his shoulders.

"So, Liam, how are my crazy ex and the stepmonster?"

"About how you left them. Lisa is... how did you deal with her?" Liam questions.

"Lots of Scotch, lots of Scotch." Louis laughs. "From the look on your face this is not going to be good is it?"

"Janice wants me to marry Lisa." Liam scowls, "I will never marry her. We can discuss the extensive list of reason why later, but I need to tell you something, promise you will keep that lion in check."

"Really, that serious?" Louis is afraid to know what his brother is about to say.

"Louis, promise me," Liam says in his King's voice.

"Fine, I will control my Lion."

Liam takes a deep breath, "Janice poisoned my mother all those years ago. She did it so that Father would marry her. "

"Fuck, are you serious? How do you know this for sure?" Louis cannot believe what his brother has told him. He gets up from his chair so fast the chair falls behind him. Liam can see that his lion is ready to go find Janice and rip her to shreds.

"Louis, there is more, someone overheard Janice yelling at Lisa, because she did not win the first test that Janice had set up. It was the same Lady that overheard their conversation. Janice admitted to killing my mother, and then killing our father so that she could force my hand to make Lisa my Queen." Liam breathes out, his eyes locked on Louis.

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