Meetings and Confrontations

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Finally reaching the law offices of Taylor, Ross, Alexander & Associates. Si is greeted by the receptionist. Si waits patiently as the receptionist transfers a call. She looks up at Si and smiles.

"Hello, how may I assist you?" she politely asks.

"Hello, I'm Siryah Dainelis, I have 11:30 with Mr. Taylor."

" Yes, Miss Dainelis, I have you here, you can have a seat over on the right. Can I get you a coffee or bottle of water?" she asks.

"A coffee with two creams and honey would be great," Si replies.

"I will go and get that for you and let Mr. Taylor know that you are here." the receptionist says as so goes to get her coffee.

"Here you go. Mr. Taylor will be right with you," she says handing Siryah her coffee.

She takes a sip, then picks up a magazine from the table. Flipping through she is looking at an advertisement for a new store that is opening up, she thinks to herself that if she gets a check today, she can deposit it and go shopping in a really nice department store and not a thrift shop for once. She knows what she wants to get Em and Collin for a wedding present. She is even thinking of getting Em a gift certificate to a high-end lingerie store she's been eyeing for some time.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Siryah if you'll follow me to my office." Mr. Taylor says leading her down the exquisitely decorated office. She can remember the last time she came here with her Aunt after her parents died. She had no idea that her parents had the kind of money that they did. She remembers them telling her that she should always work hard and not take anything, anyone, or money for granted. The man who helped them was a different man, but there was something familiar about Mr. Taylor, it was like she'd seen him before, but she couldn't remember where. She'd received a letter a couple of years ago, that he'd be taking over her account and if she had any questions or concerns to direct them to him.

"Here we are, have a seat." he gestures for her to sit at the chairs across from the desk. "First of all, happy birthday. Second, I want to tell you what an amazing young woman you have turned out to be. Your parents would be proud of you." he says with a smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Taylor, that means a lot. Did you know my parents well?" she asks.

"Yes, your father was my college roommate since freshman year. We tried to keep in touch after graduation. I was very sorry to hear of there passing. I am most sorry that I was not around when you Aunt show her true colors and abandoned you, while stealing your money. I wasn't with the firm then so there was nothing I could do."

"Yeah, but at least she did help me get emancipated so that I could live alone in the home my parents left for me. I did not have to live with her and that sleazy boyfriend of hers" Si says sadly.

She was so scared to live alone, she had to work and finish high school, she really had to grow up fast, luckily her parents had taught her the basics so that when she was on her own she would survive. She knew how to balance a checkbook because she would help her parents when they ran the coffee shop that they had owned. She loved that shop, but her Aunt also ran that into the ground. So she sold it, to a couple and it is flourishing. They promised her that they would not change anything and that she will always be welcomed.

"Siryah, are you okay?" Mr.Taylor questions, "I have seemed to have lost you."

Si blushes, "Sorry, I was thinking of the coffee shop. I am listening"

"That is okay, what I was saying is that I have a certified check for you to take today, the rest of the inheritance will be released into the account that your parents left in trust for you. You will need to go to the back listed and show identification along with this letter. Ask for Mr. Rollins, he will have all the paperwork for you to sign."

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