A Maze of Secrets

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It is the middle of the night when Si and Liam finally stir. They both realize that this was the best sleep that they have gotten since they first met. She feels Liam's lips on her forehead and she smiles against his chest. She takes in the smell of him, deep and woodsy,  with a hint of bergamot, lemongrass,  and a bit of sweetness.

"God, Liam you smell so good, what are you wearing?"

"Love, I am not wearing anything but you."

"No seriously, whatever you are wearing drives me crazy I can't think straight. I smelt it on you the night of the ball." Si says insistently.

"Love, I promise, I don't wear cologne or anything like it."

"Fine," Si pouts, "You better not wear it for any other woman, or I will make you pay."

"Oh really, and how will you make me pay?" he asks, rolling her onto her back.

" I tell you as soon as I think of a way that won't punish myself in the process. So there will never be the punishment of withholding sex." She laughs.

Liam kisses her deeply and she can feel his chuckle against her breast. God, she loves this man. After a few more hours, the pair are sated. Liam states that they should shower and head back. After the boat docks, Liam and Si walk hand in hand to the waiting car. As they approach the Palace Liam instructs the driver to enter through the back entrance to the Palace.

Liam explains that this entranced is only to be used by the King or Queen when they want to avoid being seen arriving home. This leads to the most direct path to Liam's quarters, through another secret passage. Once they were in Liam's room, he walks her down the secret passage to her room. and kisses her goodnight.

 As Liam returns to his own room, his mind wanders to the fact that she could smell his mating pheromones, but how, no human could possibly smell that until they mated, which they have yet to do. He removes his clothes and slips into bed, he can still feel the sting of Si's nails on his back, too bad the marks will be gone by the time he wakes up.

It is late in the morning when Si finally awakens. She decides to talk a long bath. She gets dressed and then goes to see if there is any coffee in the suite. She is greeting by a dozen red roses and a note from Liam.

"Well look who decide to arise from the dead." Leah mocks her. "From the smell and the smile on your face, I guess flying under the radar is now off the table."

"Hey, what can I say, Lisa told me to enjoy my night with him." she smirks, "I was only following her orders like a good little girl." Si laughs.

"Well, the little cunt was posted up at the front of the Palace wanting for the two of you to arrive, but you both snuck in the backdoor, she thought you were both still on the boat until she saw Liam leave for his 9 am meeting." Leah laughs, "You should have seen the look on her face."

"Yeah, Si, at dinner, all the girls were talking about how lucky you were to get the first date with Liam, as you can set the bar for every girl after you. Of course, Lisa had to point out that if you slept with him last night that you would prove that you are classless and a whore." Em adds.

"Until someone else, spoke up and said that they noticed the way he looked at you all night at the ball, and they would not be surprised if you were in fact his true mate." Allan chirps happily, "Boy did Lisa look like she just drank a whole gallon of vinegar. Then said that she did not notice anything special about the way he looked at you."

"Then there were some giggling, and someone whispered that they could believe that Lisa did notice that Liam hardly looked at her while she was in his arms because he was too busy looking for you all night," Em adds.

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