Chapter 6

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Later that night Crome-Dome came out and said he had done everything he could do to fix Knock Out's processor but he was still unresponsive and now the rest was up to Knock Out.

Starscream went to visit him after the others said it was OK. But when he entered the room the seeker didn't like what he saw.

Knock Out was laying on the berth just looking off into space with his optics dim and machines hooked to him that were currently keeping him online.

"I'm sorry Knock Out this was all my fault I shouldn't have left you behind mission or not your one of the only friends I have if not the only friend I have." Starscream told the red medic wishing he would reply.

"I should have come up with a better plan instead of just rushing in." Starscream added as his wings dropped. "Then you wouldn't have gotten hurt usually when I mess up I'm the one who suffers but this feels worse."

"You need to get better because the Autobots will be out a great medic if you don't unlike me you actually deserve to wear their symbol." Starscream said barley able to hold back his coolant tears.

Then Starscream put a movie on the tv in Knock Out's hospital room that he thought he might like and set it to play on a loop in case the Austin Martin woke up before leaving the room not being able to stand the sight of his best friend as basically an empty shell.

Later Optimus and the rest of the Autobots took a space bridge to save Bumblebee and Arcee everyone went expect for Ratchet who stayed to tend to Knock Out and watch the base. And Starscream also stayed because Optimus was worried that the seeker's anger and regret over what happened to Knock Out might cloud his judgement.

And Starscream understood so didn't object much to everyone's surprise.

Once they walked through the space bridge they looked for the holding cell and found it all being careful not to let the Quintessons or Sharkticons know they were on board.

And they were relieved to see that Bumblebee and Arcee were both OK as well as the other bots who had been kidnapped. And started helping Savvy try to free by finding a way to disable the shock collars and open the holding cells.

But Sideswipe accidentally sounded an alarm when he touched one of the cell doors by mistake and the next thing they knew they were all hit with the EMP as the Sharkticons and a few Quintessons came in Savvy managed to get back to her corner where she pretended to be dead again as soon as she heard the alarm sound off.

"Oh great now I have even more stuff to disable." She thought before being knocked out by the EMP fortunately since they still though she was dead the Quintessons and Sharkticons ignored her and Steve who had stayed in the hallway avoided being seen by them and managed to send a transmission to Cybertron saying what happened and asking for help.

Then Steve started trying to think of a plan and ultimately decided to wait for Savvy to come too so he could help her disable things.

Meanwhile at the Autobot base Ratchet was walking down the hallway when Trepan who had managed to escape from his cell grabbed the medic and started trying to get his mnemo-needles  into Ratchet's neckcables but before he did Starscream tackled him.

Then Trepan took off down the hallway with Starscream hot on his tailpipes. Starscream managed to tackle him when they turned a corner.

"This is for Knock Out!" Starscream hissed as he continued to beat the scrap out of Trepan. "I'll make you pay for what you did!"

"That's it go on and finish me!" Trepan encouraged the seeker much to his shock. "KILL ME LIKE THE TRUE DECEPTICON YOU ARE!!!"

"Oh shut up." Starscream almost growled at him before punching him out. "I'm not a Decepticon anymore."

Then Ratchet cought up to them and put a pair of stasis cuffs on Trepan.

"I saw and heard the whole thing Starscream and I'm proud of you." Ratchet told the seeker know how hard it must have been for Starscream to spare Trepan after what he did to Knock Out and winning a smile from the flyer.

Then they took him in a stasis pod instead of back in his cell to keep him from making anymore trouble. Then Ratchet saw that they had gotten a transmission from Steve and listened to it.

"The Autobots are in trouble!" Ratchet said after hearing the message. "And we're the only ones available to help but we can leave the base unguarded."

"I'll go help them while you stay here and look after the base." Starscream told Ratchet.

"But you won't be able to go up against the Quintessons and Sharkticons alone." Ratchet replied concerned for the seeker.

"I'll call in some help." Starscream told him before leaving.

"Good luck." Ratchet said after him.

(Song in the header starts.)

Later Starscream stood in front of the space bridge waiting for his help to arrive.

When a ground bridge portal opened and Soundwave emerged from it.

Then a second one opened and Shockwave came out of it.

Then a third and final one appeared that Megatron stepped out of.

After Starscream had called them and told them about the situation with the Quintessons and Sharkticons since Megatron had changed for the better and had recently gotten into touch with Shockwave and Soundwave the three jumped at the chance to make up for their pasts after Starscream called them.

And Megatron was glad to see that Starscream was an Autobot now and that the seeker forgave him for how he treated him in the past. But was saddened to hear about Knock Out's current condition.

"So do you have a plan?" Megatron asked Starscream.

"Your the leader I'm sure you can think of something all I do is mess up." Starscream said with his wings down.

"That's not true Starscream I'm so sorry I really did a number on you during the war." Megatron apologized thinking Starscream's current low self esteem was his fault.

"You'd be a great leader Starscream and  if Knock Out was here he would say the same you called us here your leading this mission." Megatron told him. "Now we're just waiting for your command."

"OK Decepticons transform and rise up." Starscream told them as they went through the space bridge to save the Autobots.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. The four OG Decepticon are back together this time to help the Autobots against the Quintessons and Sharkticons. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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