Chapter 4

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Meanwhile Steve and Savvy were trying to figure out how to free their friends who were currently in holding cells. And they came across an escape pod Savvy had Steve take it back to Cybertron to tell the Autobots what was going on while she stayed on the ship to try to figure out a way to save the others.

She over heard that the ship was on it's way to Quintessa the Quintessons home planet. And she made her way to a cell were Bumblebee and Arcee were being held.

"Hey guys I've come to get you out of here." Savvy said to Bumblebee and Arcee through the bars.

"Be careful the Quintessons might.." Bumblebee was suddenly interrupted by a Quintesson.

"Intruder!" It yelled.

"See you." Bumblebee added as he facepalmed.

Then Savvy was forced to run from a couple of Sharkticons the Quintesson sent after her.

Arcee and Bumblebee both tried to attack the bars of their cell wanting to help their friend but the Quintesson hit a button on a remote and activated shock collars that they had put on them when they were unconscious to shock them both and prevent them from helping her.

Then to their horror one of the Sharkticons shoot at Savvy and it looked like it hit it's mark and she fell and landed lifelessly on the floor of the ship.

"Just put that piece of junk in the corner for now we'll throw it away on the next planet we pass." Said the Quintesson. "Vehicons are worthless."

"You monsters!" Arcee hissed as she started to lash out only to receive another shock as Bumblebee rushed to her side.

Then the Quintesson left without saying another word.

"I can't believe he killed her then talked about her like she was a piece of trash." Arcee told Bumblebee sounding on the verge of coolant tears after losing another friend as they exchanged sad looks.

"Nice to know you guys care." They heard Savvy's voice say as she pulled herself off the floor having noticed the coast was clear and the Quints hadn't bothered to put up cameras.

"How are you alive we saw you get shot just now?" Asked Arcee.

"One of the first things you learn as a vehicon is how to play dead." Savvy explained. "That shot didn't even come close to hitting me."

"Hey is that why it seemed like there were always so many of you even after we kept killing you guys in the war?" Asked Bumblebee.

"Yeah it's called self preservation." She replied.

"We should start giving you vehicons more credit." Bumblebee said sounding impressed.

"Yeah you really should." Savvy agreed. "But now to find a way to free you two and the other prisoners."

"How do we do that?" Asked Arcee. "The Quintessons are easy to take down in a fight but not with the EMP and these shock collars and the Sharkticons will also be a problem."

"I'll lay low and start messing up every piece of tech I can get my hands on." Savvy told them. "The trick will be not letting the Quints find out what we're up too."

"We'll keep distracting them and cover for you the best we can." Arcee said to her. And Bumblebee nodded in agreement.

Then Savvy took off and got to work.

Meanwhile on Cybertron Ratchet was working in the medbay. He and the others had been trying to figure out a way to rescue Bumblebee and Arcee since Bulkhead told them what he saw.

When they got a transmission from Starscream and the seeker sounded frantic.

"What's wrong Starscream slow down I can't understand you?" Ratchet asked concerned because he could till the seeker had been through something by how panicked he sounded.

"That clinic we told you about they were responsible for some of the bots disappearing Pharma and Trepan are behind it I got the proof but they got Knock Out!" Starscream explained from the other end of the com-link and they even heard his voice crack a few times.

Then they heard a crash on the other end of the com-link.

"What was that?" Asked Bulkhead.

"I don't know." Ratchet replayed.

"Starscream are you alright?" Asked Optimus who was also in the main room of the base after a few minutes of silence on the seeker's end.

"Yes Steve just showed up in an escape pod that crashed and I gave him the drive and he's on his way to bring it to you I'm going back for Knock Out!" Starscream explained then hung up before anyone could reply. But sent them the location of the clinic.

Then they decided to split up into groups. Ultimate Magnus would take Bulkhead and Wheeljack to try to find Bumblebee and Arcee since they knew the Quintessons and Sharkticons were behind this sending the Wreckers on a rescue mission seemed like a good course of action.

While Ratchet would remain at base and have the medbay ready in case someone came back injured. Along with the rest of the Autobots to make sure the base was protected.

And Optimus and Smokescreen both started heading for the clinic in Kaon knowing Knock Out was already in danger and there was a good chance Starscream would end up getting himself into trouble too knowing the seeker's track record.

They just hoped they reach them in time and that both of them would be OK because they could tell by the way Starscream had sounded that he wasn't thinking clearly right now.

They just hoped he wouldn't do anything rash. And that they could save all their friends.

To Be Continued.

Hope this chapter turned out OK. It was hard to come up with some of it. I'll try to get the next chapter up soon. In the meantime feel free to send feedback.

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