Cooking (Tzuyu)

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I'm glad that it was a rest day, because after going through with what Momo did to me, I was feeling pretty sore.

Thank God for stretching, or else I knew for certain that it would have been worse.

Obviously, physical exercise alone won't be enough for me to improve.

Therefore, I chose this day to also take some culinary lessons to improve my diet as well.

And there's only one person in mind who fits that category of being a health-freak when it comes to food.

"Sure Oppa," Tzuyu cheerfully said over the phone, "I'll be more than happy to teach you some recipes for a healthier diet."

"Great," I replied, "So, when are you going to be free to teach me?"

"Right now, if you want to," she quickly said, barely able to contain her excitement over the fact that someone is actually interested to share her interests in healthy food, "I'll come right over there after I clean up my room."

"Alright then," I grinned, amused at her obvious excitement, "I'll be waiting for you then."

"See you in five, Oppa," Tzuyu replied, "Oh my, this is so going to be great!"

I chuckled as I hung up.

Trust Tzuyu to be really excited and enthusiastic about stuff like health and wellness.

Five minutes later, we were both in my kitchen, reading through her notebook of recipes.

"If you want, I can teach you how to prepare some beverages that can help with your digestion, supplement your protein, vitamin, and mineral intake, and boost your energy," she said as she flipped through the pages of her notebook.

"And I may need something that can also serve as great antioxidants," I added, "I really need to flush all of my junk out of my system."

"Oh yes, that poison as well," she quickly looked at me, "Are you still suffering from that, Oppa?"

I shook my head, "Not anymore. But just to be sure." What I didn't tell her was that I needed to prepare my body for something else that I've been debating about in my head for a couple of days now.

I quickly changed the subject, "I guess a lot of it will be based on sweet potatoes, right?"

Tzuyu shyly blushed, "Um... ah, yeah... but I did also include some yams as well..."

I chuckled, "It's okay. I know how much you love them. And I've been reading up on the health qualities of sweet potatoes as well."

"Plus it will make you feel full without overdoing it," she quickly added, "Shall we get started, Oppa?"

I prepared the cutlery that she needed, making sure that they were all properly washed clean, and set up my food processor and my blender.

We were going to do a lot of purees and shakes.

"Remember the apple and yam shake that you made for me before, Oppa?" she asked as she started slicing the apples, "We'll start from that, but I want to add something as well," she then paused for a bit to look at me, "Can you cut those blueberries into thin slices, Oppa?"

"Alright," I nodded, opening a box of chilled blueberries.

We became busy, slicing apples, blueberries, strawberries, avocados, and bananas and blending them with sweet potatoes or yams.

Tzuyu added either milk or yoghurt to the various mixes as we went along.

She even prepared some oatmeal to add to some of the drinks as well.

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