Gaming (Mina)

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It was a busy night for Mina.

Going to a store opening event isn't as simple as just looking nice, wearing some fancy outfit, walking down the red carpet, posing for pictures, and that's it.

I realized how hard it really is to actually go and attend such an event.

The harder part for me was keeping myself off the cameras as much as possible, which meant that I have to be constantly alert as to where I was standing or walking while at the same time making sure nothing bad happened to Mina.

"Ah, really, why do I have to do this?" I muttered to myself, adjusting my suit around my shoulders.

It really was hard to be a ninja when you're wearing a spiffy suit and tie.

I can't even remember which store opening we were attending.

I was simply too busy making sure Mina was okay the entire time.

Man, she looked gorgeous.

The fan in me wished that she'd keep it that way.

After probably almost three hours of partying at the event, I decided to take her home.

It took another fifteen minutes of goodbyes before we finally made it back to the car and headed for home.

"I can never get used to these events," I grumbled as we left the parking lot.

"Awww... Oppa, but you look so dashing in that suit!" Mina teased me from the backseat.

"I rather wear something more casual or something more office-like."

Mina chuckled, "You're so cute when you pout like that, Oppa," playfully punching my shoulder from the backseat, "I'm going to change now. No peeking!"

I shrugged.

I couldn't peek even if I wanted to, as my eyes were glued to the road.

There was a lot of shuffling and scuffling about as she changed clothes.


Good thing that the car had tinted windows.

"Oppa, can we stop by your place first?" she asked a few minutes later.

"Sure thing," I replied, "What's up?"

"I bought a new game a couple of days ago, but I haven't tried it out yet because I didn't have the time," she explained, "But it's so late now that I don't want to disturb Nayeon. She had a very long day today."

I glanced at my dashboard clock, "Yeah, she's probably sleeping right now."

Fifteen minutes more, and we were back at the dorm.

I carried Mina's bags while we walked to my place.

"What kind of game is it?" I asked as I ushered her into my living area.

"Oh, it's a new fighting game that I bought," she replied.

I shrugged, "Okay. Lemme set up my console then." Although I am a casual gamer myself, I really sucked at fighting games.

I prefer RPG and first-person or third-person perspective games myself.

"Thank you, Oppa!" Mina replied cheerfully, "Sorry for bothering you at this hour."

"Naaah, it's okay," I said, hoping that she wouldn't ask me to play.

It only took a couple of minutes for me to turn it on, check if everything's working, and hand her a controller, "Here you go. I'm just going to get changed for a bit."

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