Tokyo Fun (SaMo)

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My trail of thoughts broke with the sound of at least three voices screaming in my ears.

Shinki smacked me in the back hard, "What just happened to you?" he loudly asked, "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"Yeah, what's up?" Jenny sunbae added, "You looked so distracted almost the whole time we were here."

I blinked hard, shaking my head.

It took me a few awkward seconds before my brain registered what Shinki and Jenny sunbae just said.

My head suddenly became hazy.

It's like my brain was trying to float away from my skull.

"It's nothing," I mumbled, "I just remembered a few details I need to recheck for the show at Google HQ tomorrow night," and looking straight at Jenny sunbae, "What was that again you were telling me?"

"Aigoo..." Kwangjeong muttered, "Y/N, still the workaholic, aren't you?"

Jenny sunbae just shook her head, chuckling, "Anyways, I said that I think it's time for us to call it a night," she tapped at her wristwatch.

It was close to 2:30AM already, "I think everyone here is a little drunk already, and we all need some sleep now for tomorrow's event."

I nodded, standing up almost immediately after Jaebum sunbae announced that we were all going back to the hotel.

A couple of loud groans and cries of disappointment, but everyone then quickly realized that we were all swacked and eventually agreed.

I looked over to each of the girls.

Looks like all of them were pretty tipsy at this point, but still okay.


I hope that they wouldn't be too much trouble on the way back to the hotel.


Twenty minutes later, I was escorting the girls to their hotel rooms.

Nayeon, Jihyo, and Jeongyeon were in one room, Tzuyu and Dahyun were in another, while Momo and Sana were in a third room.

I was in my hotel room ten minutes after saying good night to them when my phone rang.

It was Sana.

"Y/N Oppa, can you come by our room? We need to talk to you about something important."

Tired and exhausted as I was, I wanted to say no.

But I couldn't do that.

Not in this job.

If the idol says she needs something, the manager has to be there, "Okay. Give me a couple of minutes, okay?"

"Okay. Thank you, Oppa. And sorry for bothering you at this hour. I know you're very tired already."

I smiled.

At least she knew well enough to say something like that, and knowing Sana, she's sincere about it as well.

Two minutes later I knocked on their door.

The door quickly opened, and then all of a sudden, two pairs of hands grabbed me, pulling me violently into the room and tossing me towards the couch.

Everything was a blur as I felt myself landing squarely on a couch.

Almost immediately, I felt something smooth and warm jump on me, pinning me to my seat.

A pair of wet, strawberry-flavored lips crashed against mine as a pair of hands went all over my shoulders.

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