Lunch (Momo)

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There was one more stop I needed to make, and then it's going to be back to the office.

Momo was in a photo shoot for her new drama, which was a forty minute drive from KBS studios.

I've been driving around almost the entire afternoon that it's a good thing I decided to pack the food in the coolers to keep them nice and warm and fresh.

It was actually her second schedule for the day.

Like Dahyun, she had two photo shoots.

The earlier one was for a magazine cover as well.

I imagined the amount of work done today.

When I got to the studio, they were just done with the first set.

There were now taking a break before going on with the second set.

I immediately looked for Momo's manager in charge and started going through her itinerary for this particular drama.

One of the drama's senior staff members was also present onsite, and the three of us had a short meeting about Momo's role and all that.

And because Momo would be reprising her role in a second run of her Momo Legally Blonde later in the year, I had to make sure that her schedule will be as hassle-free as possible.

She was also up for a lot of modelling activities as well.

As always, I took lots of notes for my report back in the office and assigned tasks that needed to be addressed for this project.

The meeting ended fifteen minutes later.

I excused myself so I can go and find Momo.

A staff pointed me to a private dressing room.

Almost tripping myself over a couple of camera tripods and lighting cables, I made my way to the room.

I knocked on the door, but got no response.

After two more tries and getting no response, I tried opening the door.

To my surprise, it was unlocked.

I quietly went inside.

I should have expected what to find inside.

Momo was on the couch, sleeping.

As quietly as I could, I walked towards the side table next to the couch, took out her lunchbox of two egg, ham, and cheese sandwiches, some cherry tomatoes, and two bananas, with a large bottle of orange juice.

She suddenly moved, lazily opening her eyes.

I froze like an idiot, my mind suddenly drawing blanks.

I know how sometimes Momo would be pissed off if someone wakes her up suddenly.

"Y/N Oppa?" she asked, squinting and trying to focus.

"Hey, Momo-ssi," I mumbled like a complete moron, "I brought you something in case you were hungry," I motioned to the lunchbox on the table.

She slowly stood up and smiled, "That's so sweet of you, Oppa. Thank you." She opened her lunchbox, and then suddenly frowned.

"What's up?" I asked, suddenly nervous, hoping I didn't screw up or something.

"It's missing something, Oppa," she replied, "I heard from the others that you gave them something very special today. And I want it too."

I groaned, knowing exactly what she meant.

I mean, after what happened today, I was kinda hoping I'd experience the same thing with Momo.

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