Homework (ChaengTzu)

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The next few weeks were pretty much routine.

The girls continued on with their individual activities, giving us managers one heckuva time juggling their schedules and providing the necessary support, especially once these activities intensified.

I still provided the occasional extra services to the girls, mainly to relieve them of their stress, if you know what I meant.

By this time, I have had sex with every single member of Twice at least once, albeit most of the time they were quickies.

But that became far and few in between as time went by because we were all busy.

I also noticed that by taking those pills, my penis grew noticeably larger as well.

One thing though.

Now that the schedules are mostly for individual activities, the four younger members were now able to spare some time to go back to school.

Tzuyu and Chaeyoung was in third year while Dahyun and Mina were in their first year of their undergraduate degrees.

I felt proud of them, being able to juggle school stuff with their professional work.

It really is not an easy job at all.

One afternoon I went to the girls' dorm to deliver some fresh supplies for their pantry.

JYP Entertainment, and even the girls themselves, were very strict and conscious about their diets, so I really had to make sure that they are stocked up on the necessary foodstuffs as much as possible.

During this time we were also to share some recipes as well, which made for a very enjoyable experience in the kitchen.

Tzuyu opened the door for me, "Oh, Y/N Oppa, Annyeong..." she bowed.

She was wearing a plain white shirt and loose blue shorts.

"Hey Tzuyu-ssi," I replied, "Brought you girls some fresh groceries."

She ushered me in.

I carried the grocery bags straight to their kitchen and immediately started unpacking them to their pantry and their refrigerator.

I then heard Chaeyoung's voice from across the room, "Tzuyu, who was it?"

"It's me!" I called out, "I brought some groceries."

Chaeyoung came running to the kitchen, "Wow, Oppa! Thank you!" she squealed, and immediately helped in unpacking the rest of the stuff.

She was wearing a white singlet with loose yellow shorts.

"Oppa's so nice!" Tzuyu said, finishing putting away the last of the foodstuffs, "You got us everything we needed."

"Just doing my job, girls," I said coolly, "I know how much you girls love to cook and eat."

They both gave me hug, sandwiching me in between them.

Chaeyoung gave me a kiss on the right cheek while Tzuyu kissed my left cheek.

"Is there anything else I can do for you for now?" I asked.

That came out almost on its own.

"Well, Oppa," Chaeyoung suddenly pouted, "There is one thing we need help with right now."

Tzuyu grabbed my arm, "Yes, Oppa. We were hoping that you can help us with our homework."

"Well, if I can help, why not?" I replied, "What kind of homework do you have right now?"

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