Script (Mina)

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I still felt dizzy as I made my way back to the car.

Being Twice's sex toy wasn't part of the job description, well they wouldn't write that part down anyways, but it was sure a heckuva big surprise.

But one question remained that I totally forgot to ask.

Nayeon said that they couldn't risk screwing around with the male idols, who were obviously more handsome and most probably better in bed that I would ever be, no matter how hard I tried.

So, why me? Why were they willing to have sex with me? In a public place for that matter.

I shook my head, making a mental note to ask them that question later.

For now I got work to do.

I looked at my itinerary.

My next stop was the SBS studios where Mina was studying her script for her upcoming drama.

Arriving there twenty minutes later, I did the same routine as before.

I talked to Mina's manager in charge about the same stuff, her progress and the future plans, for fifteen minutes.

It seems that we also have to make arrangements as well for Mina's working visa to the United States for some onsite shoots there.

I told him that I would get the paperwork done by tomorrow and then have him go to the U.S.

embassy for processing.

That also meant that someone else has to cover for Mina tomorrow.

After the meeting, I went on to meet Mina.

She was in a small, unoccupied meeting room, poring over her script by herself and taking several notes.

She was like an ordinary college student going over her notes and preparing for an exam.

"Oh, Y/N Oppa!" Mina looked up, surprised to see me, "Annyeong!"

"Annyeong," I placed the lunchbox I prepared for her on the table, "This is for you."

"Whoa, you made this, Oppa?" she opened the lunchbox containing some chicken salad rolls, two bananas, and couple of bottles of energy drink.

She looked to me with a big smile on her face, "Thank you so much!"

"It's just a little something to keep your energy up," I shrugged, "I know that preparing for an acting role can be quite tough."

"Oh you said it, Oppa!" Mina threw her hands up in the air in frustration, "It really is a very difficult task for me right now, especially that there are some difficult scenes for me."

I got curious, "Which are?"

My question seemed to catch her by surprise.

She suddenly became shy and sheepish, "It's, um, uh, eottoke... how will I say this, eottoke..."

I ventured a guess, "Kissing scene?"

Mina buried her face in her hands, "Yes... Ah, I'm so embarrassed. I don't know how to act this one out."

I chuckled at her obvious discomfort.

But then again, kissing scenes were always hard.

I remember back in my high school plays when I had to kiss a girl.

Even kissing just on the cheek would be pretty awkward, especially in the beginning.

"Yeah... I can understand that," I replied, "It can be pretty awkward."

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