Chapter 45

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Jimin had just finished with his lectures for the day and had gathered his things, walking out of the building with his phone at hand as he was texting a short message to you, asking you what were you doing and if it would be okay for him to come to pick you up after work. A smile was dancing on his face at the thought of seeing you again as he had been suffering all day today, from the sweet thoughts that he had revolving around you and the inability to have you with him right then and there.

He couldn't help but wish sporadically that you had stayed behind in your studies just so you would be still at this university while dating him. That sure would have been fun for he surely would not miss a moment of subtly flirting with you and even stealing kisses from you whenever no one was to see. Scenarios that most likely would make your anxiety hit the roof but in his head, they seemed sweet.

After he pressed send and put the device in the pocket of his trousers, he proceeded to grab his car keys from his jacket as he reached the parking and his vehicle came in sight but as soon as he did that, a car suddenly halted his way, stopping abruptly right in front of him out of nowhere. 

He couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that moment as he observed the black vehicle, till the back window of it rolled down, and presented the never-changing blank looking face of Mr Jung. Jimin sure was taken aback by his sudden appearance before him since surely out of everyone in the world, the husband of his aunt was the last person he was expecting coming out of their way to find him.

"Mr Jung...I was not expecting you."He quickly placed a polite smile on his lips and made a small bow to him following on the good manners he always displayed.

"I hope I am not disrupting your work. Do you perhaps have a moment for me?" He responded and Jimin understood that even if he did not have time for real, it was not in his benefit to turn him down, so he walked over and entered his car then politely asked him about what was the topic that brought him out of his way.

The vehicle took off before Mr Jung replied to him and a silence fell among them that made Jimin feel slightly unsettled as he definitely was not in control of his surrounding at that moment and that fact left him feeling threatened. He was in a car with a man that he never trusted much and had him capable of literally doing anything. He was unaware of where the vehicle was heading and most importantly, he was there as someone disliked by Mr Jung because they had collided in opinions many times at the company and he was sure that he did not like his guts.

"I hope you have been well Mr Jung. You are speaking so little that I couldn't help but think that something may be wrong with your throat." Jimin purposely criticized his silence and an indirect way so he won't look like he was trying to fight with him.

"Oh Jimin, son, I have been perfectly fine. The only reason I am not speaking much is that I am not sure if the words I have to say, will be easy for you to hear. I am trying to be considerate of you." The man smiled slightly as he responded, leaving his hand fall on Jimin's knee for a brief moment before he retrieved his hand and reached for his briefcase, from which he took out a file and handed it to him.

Jimin did not hesitate to take it and proceeded to open it, only for him to go silent from the things he was watching.

"Are you trying to blackmail me?" He asked the older as he turned to face him with an expression that basically screamed to dare him, for Jimin surely would not let this slide.

"Blackmail? Why would I do that, son? I have shares in the Park enterprise too. Such a scandal would not benefit me either."

"Then should I ask how you are informed of such a transaction?" Jimin glared at him sternly as it was obvious that such information was not discovered simply. This man must have been looking after every step he and Taehyung did from the moment their father died.

"I admit I was keeping an eye on you and your brother out of worry. Two young individuals suddenly being in charge of such a big company is bound to make me worrisome, don't you think? And apparently, I did well. Imagine if this was to fall at the hands of the press. What a scandal that would be to hear that one of the heads of the Park enterprise spends 500,000$ on prostitution." The emotions he claimed to have felt with his mouth sure did not seem too much his vibe as, despite the pocket face, Jimin could feel that he was more than happy about this.

"There's obviously a misunderstanding for I assure you, nor I nor my brother would ever do such thing. Worry not I will take care of this. I am thankful that you informed me before it was too late as much as I am thankful that you will keep your mouth shut about this here and after." Jimin responded, subtly letting him know that he was expecting him to not dare open his mouth and run any rumours on this for he won't let him slide.

Those were his final words as he told the driver to pull over then got off the vehicle, slightly bowing his head to the older, before the vehicle took off again, leaving him in the middle of a random street, fuming from anger, despite the fact that he was not showing it on the outside.

Jimin proceeded to grab his phone and call Taehyung, thinking of demanding some answers from him because he surely had not done such a thing and he liked that he had not either but it was his signature on those damned documents portraying a legal transaction of money brothels. He waited impatiently on the line till Taehyung finally answered his call, voices of laughter echoing in his background.

"Hey Jimin, what's up?" Taehyung spoke with a smile as he was seating at the back of his car with you and Sira, that were on your way to send you back to work after the meeting you all had had at Elle's apartment.

"Please, for the love of God, just tell me you did not sign a check to a brothel, "Jimin spoke between gritted teeth at the other line and Taehyung literally portrayed confusion over his words as they sure sounded absurd.

"What the heck?! Why would I?!"He replied and Jimin exhaled deeply before starting pacing from left to right at the pavement that he was at.

"You didn't sign any checks of the sum of 500,000$ to anyone? Are you sure about that?"The mention of the sum made Taehyung's eyes grow wide as he recalled immediately that he had but the person that he had signed that check to was not a brothel but Jimin's ex, Song Nari.

"We...we may need to meet up...Like immediately." Taehyung hesitantly spoke his words, knowing that he had gotten himself in trouble as well as his brother that was about to skin him alive once he gets to known the stupid act he had done, for he had literally fallen in a trap apparently and he had not even realized it so far.

"I am gonna kill you!!"

---To be continued...

Dominant and strict angry Jimin coming up ~~ XD

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