Chapter 18

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You and Sira were at your room, having returned together after the coffee you two had at the cafe. She was not supposed to drop you off actually but upon reaching your apartment building she claimed that she needed to use the bathroom and stepped off the taxi which you had shared till that moment.

"We should totally have a sleepover sometime. It's been a while since the last one we had." She suggested as she plopped her body on your bed in the usual starfish position she used to.

"Sure, I would love to do that. Just the two of us or should we call the boys too?" You questioned, finding it a nice thought to pass a night all together, just like the nights you had shared back in Busan while on the celebration week after graduation. Those few days were the most fun of your life not only because you and Jimin had got together but because the only people you considered friends in your life were around you and they were as happy as you.

Being surrounded by happy people sure was a burst of energy and those people being people who you love and care about was more than enough to make you happier as that's what you most wanted out of life. To see the ones you feel for, smile fondly and feel emotions deeply. To see them joyful and in love with life, simply because you had felt how it is to not be.

"Oh my God, it's gonna be a disaster. We totally should."Sira stated and you both ended up laughing only at imagining the competition that would probably go down among the guys over any game that they may play. They seriously take things to extremes.

"I will try to schedule it the sooner we all get an opening." 

"Great, I will be looking forward to that." Sira got up from your bed and came to give you a quick hug before she grabbed her back and coat, ready to take her to leave.

"Text me when you get home."

"Got it!" She smiled widely at you and stepped out of your room, closing the door behind her and walking till the living room where she met Daniel, who seemed to have just returned home, as when you two had arrived he didn't seem to be around.

"Good evening."

"Good night." She replied as she was leaving and passed by him, purposely letting her back hit against his thigh. Daniel left an exhale of pain which she ignored and just left, murmuring under her breath that she didn't like him.

---time skip---

The results were announced just like a bomb that had managed to swipe the room from the quiet and composed atmosphere which the doctor tried to keep but failed to do so for long.

"What do you mean my DNA doesn't match with anyone? How is that possible?" Jimin questioned the doctor while waving the file with the result in front of him as if he was ready to smash it in his face.

"He is my brother, doctor. There must have been a mistake." Taehyung spoke in denial of the news which had got him unprepared and shocked him beyond words.

"Mr, Park, I know it is hard to swallow but according to this DNA test, you are not related to either of these two individuals. While as I stated, Mr. Jung JaeHyun and Mr. Taehyung seem to be half blood-related. If you are doubtful over the result we can perform another one and see that one too however I reassure you that the speed-up process has nothing to do with the validity of the results." The doctor explained once more as calmly as he could in an attempt to kame the three individuals that were staring at him in shock and others in utter disbelief and anger to calm down and take in this news.

"I am confused. I am sure I heard her say that she gave her firstborn child to her sister. I assumed my mom was talking about you Jimin." JaeHyun looked towards Jimin, him too finding the situation to have taken turns that he himself had not imagined.

"Yah, Jimin is my brother. Check again! We should do a test just the two of us." Taehyung insisted, feeling his emotions raging inside him while his mind had scattered.

Jimin is my brother. They can't take him from me. No! He is my brother!

"If that's what you want we can do so." The doctor replied while he looked from Taehyung to Jimin who seem to have passed from a moment of slipping and showing his anger to a silent state, that was mostly caused by the realization that just hit him.

His mother whom he so much loved was no more. His father who was dear to him had also left him behind. His brother who he finally started getting along with again was the only happy thing that remained, Taehyung was the only family he had left. Yet in the papers he was holding, it says otherwise, and somehow that had shaken him enough to make him take some steps back in order to keep his balance and not fall on the ground right that instant.

Why were his legs feeling so weak all of a sudden? Why had his chest gotten so tight that he no longer felt like he could inhale another breath? Why did gravity felt so damn heavier that made his muscles ache as he stood there doing nothing? Had he grown pale? Cause he sure felt as if his blood was draining out of his veins. Who was it that was holding a marker and was writing the word 'lie' all over his memories of the past?

"Taehyung" JaeHyun placed his hand on Taehyung's arm, wanting to calm him down a bit as he noticed that he was kinda scaring the doctor with the tone of voice that he was using and the threatening way he was staring at him.

"Don't look at me like that! I refuse to believe such an absurdity." Taehyung abruptly shove away his hand and turned to lock eyes with Jimin who seemed lost and unable to collect himself and try to reassure him and calm him down somehow.

The sight of him made Taehyung even madder, as his eyes got filled with tears of frustration. Why was Jimin believing such a thing? Why was he not objecting to it? He was gonna be his brother no matter what so why was he keeping quiet and looking at him with a gaze that made it evident that his world had just turned upside down.

"Call auntie. Call her right now!"Taehyung demanded from his cousin quite visibly irritated and as Jaehyun hesitated he grabbed hold of his collar and between gritted teeth repeated himself.

"He is right. We need an explanation and we need it now.. Tell her to come to meet us immediately." Jimin finally found his voice and supported the request of his brother, leaving Jaehyun with no other choice but to push off Taehyung's hands from his collar and grab his phone to call his mother.

---To be continued......

(Double update~~ Brace yourselves cause from here on whoever read hush is about to learn the truth about many questions they may have had.) Hope you enjoyed~~

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