"Do you two know each other?"
Mr Park asked.

"No, I...I mean yes. It's a long story dad and you don't have the time to listen to it," Rosé said.

"Well, I'll leave you two at it," Mr Park said.

"Dad, where are you going?" she asked.

"I'm taking your grandad for physiotherapy," he replied.


Mr Park left and Rosé started to feel uneasy.

"Roseanne, why are you scared of me? It's not like I bite or anything," Ha Rim said moving closer to Rosé.

"It's Rosé not Roseanne,"she replied backing away from him.

She stopped moving back when her legs hit the desk behind her.

"My Oh My, how you've changed, you aren't that timid, down to earth Roseanne I knew back in high school," he said drawing closer to her.

He lifted his hand and Rosé thought he was going to hit her but he instead gently stroked her hair.

"Calm down, I'm not gonna hurt you. We are friends here. Look, what happened is long gone. Let's begin a fresh," he said.

"Hello, I'm Sun HaRim" he said as he bowed.

"Please, don't bow. You're my elder. I'm the one who should be doing that," Rosé said.

"But you are my boss aren't you?" he replied.

Rosé still felt uneasy and she knew he was not going to be as easy as he said he would.

A girl dressed in black is seen entering the hospital. She isn't alone, she has a fake patient with her.

She walks around the hospital with him until they reach a doctor and a nurse discussing away from the other doctors.

The fake patient pretends to fall down to grab their attention. The girl together with the fake patient injected the doctors.

After a while
"Wow Hobi, you look amazing in that doctor's outfit," the girl said," if I didn't know you, I'd think you actually work here."

"Well Jisoo,you know me I blend in. No matter the environment," he said.

"C'mon Chim is in room 407," Jisoo said.

They walked to Jimin's room perfectly fitting in with the other doctors.

They were constantly stopped by other staff members with a "hello" as they proceeded.

They made it to his room without raising any suspicion.

Jisoo pulled out her kit and picked up a bottle containing a blue liquid.

"Ooh you brought snacks?" Hobi asked picking up the bottle.

"No no no, these are not snacks," Jisoo said as she slapped Hobi's hands making him flinch.

"Then what are they?" Hobi asked.

"These are chemicals I made that will be able to make Chim regain his consciousness," Jisoo said.

Jisoo injected the chemical into Jimin's IV tube and waited.

"Well I think it didn't wo... Aaaaaaah,"

Before Hobi finished, he screamed his lungs out when Jimin shot up like a zombie that had seen a human.

"Good gracious," Hobi said clutching his heart,"I almost peed myself."

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