The building is so fucking huge, like 3 stories high. Windows are planted around the house that shows some of the inside. It painted a dirty white color. The staircase is stone white and huge. A fountain is placed in the middle of the drive-way.

Rich people things. Can't relate.

Walking up the stairs to the entrance, it's quiet in the inside and the door is still slightly closed. I pull open the door, all eyes towards me.

Plastering a huge grin on my face, I pull my suit jacket closer around my body, walking through the doors after everyone else.

The room is quiet as I walk down, everyone eyeing me and I smirk, running a hand through my hair.

I catch the eye of Vincent who watches me with a small smirk and I fight the urge to show him the middle finger.

After my huge entrance, everyone slowly goes back to their conversations, still whispering about me because I'm 'new'.

Paige walks up to me, two champagne glasses in her hand and a huge grin on her face.

She hands me the champagne and I down it quickly, shaking my head with a small laugh and she links our arms, pulling me to their table where our Mafia is surrounded.

I take and empty seat opposite Vincent who is busy glaring at his phone and ignoring the brown haired girl who is giggling at nothing, and I want to laugh at how fake her giggle sounds.

Motherfucker probably paid her to laugh.

I see a blonde guy walking towards our table and he spots me and grins, rushing towards me.

He takes the empty seat besides me and I turn my body towards him, raising my eyebrows.

"Hey, I saw you earlier and I had to tell you how pretty you look" he mumbles and takes my free hand, bringing it to his mouth.

"Thanks Goldie" I reply and steal a champagne from the waiters walking around.

"Goldie?" he questions, his eyebrows furrowed.

"The color of your hair" I point to it.

Sometimes I feel like I'm high or some shit.

"Oh, well my name is Owen, what's yours?" he tilts his head to the side and I almost spit out my drink when his hand touches my thigh.

"Pluto," I blurt out without thinking and in the corner of my eye I can see Paige laughing silently watching our interaction.

Sometimes I feel like shooting myself in the head.

"Pluto?" Goldie echoes and I nod.

"I'm just playing with you, my name is actually Mars," I laugh awkwardly and he smiles, showing his white teeth.

"You're...sure?" he tilts his head and I hear a scoff.

I send Vincent a glare when he scowls at me.

"Are you making fun of my name?" I gasp, my mouth hanging open and Owen's eyes widen in fear.

"No!" he panics, frantically speaking, "I'm not. It's a really nice name."

I nod, narrowing my eyes, "I know."

Music starts to play and I see everyone leave for the dance floor.

I see Vincent get up, grabbing the brown haired girls hand and takes her to the dance floor. He hesitates as he grabs her waist with a weird expression on his face.

I feel an unknown emotion raise in me and I grab Goldie's hand, pulling him up and dragging him to the dance floor as a slow song start to play.

Goldie's hand went on my waist, trailing it lower and I slapped his hand and he grinned sheepishly at me, bringing it higher.


I catch Vincent's eye and he is watching me with a clenched jaw, not taking notice of the giggling brown haired girl in his arm.

I bring myself closer to blondie, my mouth close to his neck, my eyes connected with Vincent's and his body grows tense and I move my hips with the guy I am dancing with.

I push my head away, my hair moving along with me and I lick my lips, smirking at Vincent who looks away.

Revenge is a bitch, I'll make it my bitch.

The song slowly ends and everyone switches positions. I wave goodbye to Owen by just leaving and he pouts making me roll my eyes.

A hand catches me before I can leave to the bar and I turn around to see Vincent staring at me, his hand on my wrist.

I pull my hand away and his arm goes around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

This guy acts as if I'm his.

"I didn't like seeing you with him," he whispers and I scoff.

"I don't care. You're my boss, not my boyfriend," I murmur.

"Doesn't stop me from wanting to kiss you," he grunts.

I pick his arm up and remove it from me, I grab the gun from inside my chest pocket and push it against his hip. He looks down towards it and raises a brow.

I grit my teeth at the lustful look he gives me.

"Okay Princess, kiss this" I say, kissing my middle finger and pointing it towards him, walking away from a glaring Vincent.


hey. i know there is no action or attacks or wtv but that will come soon. you guys will see mars on missions and shit. tell me if you like this chapter :)





Kill for you ✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें