Muffled. “Followed me?” Hugging my ample chest looking in his grey pools filled with anger. He nods closing the distance between us just to grasp my neck so swiftly my eyes bulge in panic raising my hands defeatedly in the air.

Breathing erratic. “Stop. V-Vadim. I can explain. I'm sorry, please.” Strong hand tightens around my neck waiting for the fear to seep in. It did not. “Vadim.” I choke feeling his hand squeeze tighter restricting airflow. My lips opens meeting the hate clouding his eyes.

A sane person will want to stop him, claw at his hand inflicting such dangerous act, snap him out of it or probably struggle against his unyielding grip. I didn't. I couldn't.

Crazily, it wasn't fear that possessed me, no. It is something stronger squaring his gaze.

Slowly my air thinned, my eyes watered, my breath shortened but I still looked at him unwaveringly. Apologetic and funny enough... Aroused. I must be insane.

Silence. Absolute silence.

Slowly my lips perks into a smile watching him watch me. I know despite the hard exterior, the anger, the hate, everything he has told himself as a proof to get over me; I, unapologetically, own him.

Not resisting anymore, my hand climbs his left arm feeling his grip loosen causing my lips to grow wider as our eyes rest on each other. He blinks as my hand cup his chin slightly grazing my thumb on his lips watching the anger dissipate replaced by a deep animalistic hunger.

Before I pull my thumb away, he suck it in. Something that is familiar to me, us. Flooding my heart with memories of the past feeling my eyes flutter close.

“Krasivaya.” He breathes huskily.

Calling for my eyes on him. A command my body betrayed into submission and it scared me after the years I still have such emotion for him. He still controls me. This is not right, T.

Snap out of it.

Drawing back same time pushing him away, a deep frown etch his face glaring at me. He tries to come at me again. Quickly saying. “No. Stop. Stay back… please.”  The last part came as a plea folding my arms under my breasts for comfort because it itches to touch him, caress him, yank at his hair and claw at his back as I remember explicitly him fucking me and me moaning my passion to the world. I couldn’t control myself and he can see my struggle as I look away breathing softly before our eyes were on each other again.


With more edge using one-foot step to meet me. This time he didn’t wait for me pulling me into his arms till our lips joins in unison. The taste, the spark, the feeling, the hunger, the emotion. It came flooding like a heavyweight on me. I want to stop. I have to, still yet I kiss him like a starved pet. His starved pet.

His lips covers mine, letting a shrill cry out when he tugs my both nipples kissing me hungrily. Soon his tongue mesh with mine nibbling softly as I moan wrapping my arms on his neck deepening the kiss. Uhh.

It was hard, deep, powerful and lacking patience. We both want to take and take till it overwhelmed us and that is exactly what we did. Moaning, panting and not stopping for once letting our lips rekindle a long lost dance ancient to mankind soaking ourselves in this alone while our hands roamed our bodies. Vadim did not relent, fondling my breasts in one hand and the other tugging my nipples painfully hard but au so sweet. Fuck.

Suddenly, I realized where we are. “Vadim… please… Stop.” His grip tightens around my waist kissing me harder hugging me to himself as I try to pull away while the other hand digs into my hair caressing and tugging loose my braids. Mmh.

He says. “I can’t. Make me.” I can't. I almost scream.

He says something in russian I couldn't make out before he continues in english. “You know you have the power to, just say it because I can’t stop. I don’t want to, Trinity.” Saying in-between kisses, hands trailing down to my heaving chest reacquainting once again with my full mounds fondling sensually. I moaned holding onto him for my dear life as it seems he kissed my soul out of me.

We are standing on the balcony visible to anyone who ventures into the gardens for a night stroll and I did not mind; I didn't care one bit rather wanting more and more till he consumed me. Body, soul and mind.

And it hits me again. The party. Michael. Exude by Vadim's touch, his kisses and the smooth Russian that falls out of his lips, I pushed Michael and the party out of my head. “I…I can’t. I want you.” Coming to acceptance.

Wrapping my arms on his neck deepening our kiss. I want to stop but I found out my body, my heart, my soul refused. It wants to be immersed in this, in him; more it crave, more it burns for Vadim. The fear of getting caught any moment ignited more fire in me kissing him harder as his hands fondles my breasts roughly. A loud moan emanating. Oh yes!

Next, he hoists my legs on his waist slamming my back to the wall kissing me harder, more ferocious and primal. “Then let me. I have missed you, we both missed you.” We? Andrei? His lips attacks my neck.

Breathlessly. “Is he here?” He pauses looking into my eyes, the primal hunger very evident in his eyes. Hand goes to the side pulling the strings off as my dress pooled around my waist; eyes feasting hungrily on my exposed breasts watching the hard tits beg for his lips to engulf them as slowly grey eyes meets my baby blue.

“Downstairs.” Placing me on my feet letting the silver dress drop to the floor. For a good second, his eyes feasted on my body in just heels and black lace panties. He growls coming to finish what he started.

“Vadim, stop.” He didn’t. And as much as I want this, this is very wrong. What is wrong with me? My hands shield my naked chest stepping away from him. I came here to be with Michael now I’m about to let Vadim fuck my brains out.

What is wrong with me?

Slowly looking up at him. “We just can’t. I'm sorry.” Desperately wishing he can see how wrong this is for me. If he indeed followed me here, then he moreso saw me with Michael. I can’t do this to Michael especially in his home.

“Do you love him?” He asks with edge laced in his word. Like an angry beast waiting to pounce on its prey. In this case, Michael.

“No.” Looking away. “I don’t.” I can hear a deep breath escape his lips relief of my answer; cautious, he makes a move to where I stood naked tilting my head up to his.

"Do you love me?" Vadim asks me, looking all dapper in his perfectly cut out tailored suit. Too sexy for someone his age.

"You know the answer to that but..." My words got cut off by a more desperate kiss encircling my arms on his neck throwing all sense of reasoning into the dustbin. His lips trails down to the juncture of my neck having a feast, biting and sucking. His hands roughly cups my ass as a desperate gasp escapes just to feel his mouth engulf my nipples having a loud scream fall out. Uhh! Yes!

His tongue rolls on the puckered tits taking hard suction, so hard that I see stars dancing in my eyes clutching onto him as my legs wobbles and my pussy creams, begging for his dick in me. Fuck!

"But nothing. I am going to fuck you hard on that couch, Krasivaya." He promises making my body go aflame in lust and passion. Long fingers finds its way deep inside my sex fingering torturedly slow as grey eyes watches me fall apart in his arms.

He grins devilishly. "So hard that your date will hear you moan my name because you belong to me." Now fucking me harder and faster seeing I'm at the verge of cumming from the expertise of his fingers inside me.

"Mmh. Vadim." Closer I am drawn to the cliff then his fingers inside me curves hitting that spot perfectly sweet thrusting harder as I scream falling apart in his arms.

"Ours, Krasivaya." He says huskily to my ears forcing me to look in his eyes moaning my first orgasm out.

Fuck. What have I gotten myself into?

Abbie cares

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