⚜ ~ 31 ~ ⚜

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Hello my wonderful readers. I wanted to clarify, incase you didn't get the announcement. This story will be updated Monday's as well as Friday's during the evenings. Hope you're excited for this to carry on and please do leave feedback. Always appreciated and valued!


The rest of the day had been quite peaceful for Tanjirou. Even with his damaged eye, he was quick to bounce back. Learn to work around the disability. It did help having Giyuu around. The Demon would always offer his arm, assuring Tanjirou would not trip or be injured further. While some found it rather annoying, the Demon Slayer treasured such actions. He'd given his heart to Giyuu, just as the Demon had done for him. As such, every action was a pleasant gift to Tanjirou. Greater than the last. Of course, Tanjirou knew well that one evening would never be trumped. It was the greatest night for him. A beginning to something new, a blooming love beneath the moonlight. 

That being said, night had fallen once more. Tanjirou had insisted on heading to the closest town, to simply take a break. It had been backed by Giyuu. So in the end, the two were traveling once more, Rui pressed to the other side of Tanjirou. It always brought such a gentle smile. He had indeed lost his family, but the world had given him another. 

"What are we headed to town for?" Rui perked up, waiting excitedly for an answer. It only made Tanjirou chuckle. He let his free arm shift, hand pressing to Rui's blackened hair. 

"I'm hoping to get you both something as well as simply relax. I surely need some rest." Rui nodded, Giyuu smiling as they broke past the wisteria. Both Demons had taken on a more human appeal, thanks to Tanjirou's blood. It was a huge mystery, one that Shinobu invested time into. She was simply just as curious. Unfortunately, Tanjirou was sure they'd not get answers. 

"Hey Tanjirou, have you spoken with Lady Tamayo recently?" The Demon Slayer shook his head, sighing. With everything that had gone on, Lady Tamayo was still remaining hidden. He didn't blame her, personally. Being a target was never easy. That much Tanjirou knew at heart. He was a target by all Demons, including Muzan himself. 

"Yushiro had sent the cat at times, but nothing more. They will contact me once they are safe, I assure." Giyuu gave a short nod before they carried on in silence, simply basking under the moonlights glow. It brought such a serenity. A peace. But those peaceful moments always gave evidence that it was not eternal. Life would always move on and that peace would ultimately be lost in the motions. 

Arriving at the town, Tanjirou took in a steady breath before they moved further in. Lights illuminated the place, bringing it to life as people ran around the area. Night time, even with the dangers, was never truly lost. It always had moments of pure joy. Tanjirou had glanced to a small building that offered a savory aroma. As someone who had been bedridden for a time, he was famished. That said, he practically dragged the two Demons with him toward the space. 

Inside was littered with beautiful furniture. The lanterns brought the space to life, making the small etches of detail in the interior noticeable. It was breathtaking to Tanjirou, without a doubt. Stepping toward the gentleman who was waiting, Tanjirou noted the attire. It was slightly more of a formal appearance, though not by much. The gentleman gave a short smile once he met Tanjirou's gaze. Of course, the Demon Slayer happened to catch glance of another individual that made him freeze for a moment. A large smile pressed over his features as he spoke, those molten gold eyes meeting his own.

"Well, I do say this is a surprise. To think we'd meet you guys here!" Kyoujurou chuckled, waving them over. Shinobu had been present, her smile soft. She had been truly appreciative to Tanjirou after everything. Her gaze shifted to Giyuu, making her hesitate before she found the courage to speak.

"It's been sometime Giyuu... How have you been?" The Demon shrugged, noticing Kyoujurou offered some seats. Tanjirou had insisted at first to sit elsewhere, but the Hashira was insistent. In the end, the five were seated together. Rui had taken the outside with Tanjirou, leaving Giyuu to be on the other side of Kyoujurou. 

"So, what's brought you three to town?" Tanjirou had been glancing elsewhere before the question pulled him back.

"Just needed a break. Truthfully, I wasn't hungry till I passed this place." Kyoujurou nodded, humming softly as he called over the waiter. The gentleman approached before taking the orders and heading off, leaving the five to converse once more. "I do apologize if we interrupted something!" 

"Nonsense my boy. You've done no harm. Me and Shinobu figured a break was needed as well, after everything. She needed time to cope with the less then friendly glances." Tanjirou nodded, glancing to Shinobu.

"They simply don't understand. Don't worry, Shinobu. Time will mend it and hopefully they come around. After all, I hold no grudge nor blame you. I was hurt not them, so their opinion and voice seems irrelevant." The Insect Hashira widened her gaze, nodding as she chuckled softly. 

"You're such a kind soul. I can see why Giyuu has come to cherish you so much." 

" That means a lot to me. Thank you, Shinobu; truly." Tanjirou took in a long breath, glancing to the food being brought their way. "Now then, since we're already tagging along, wanna just remain a group? It's better to have more people anyways!"

"I'd be okay with it. More than thrilled." Shinobu glanced toward Kyoujurou, who only chuckled and nodded as food was dished out to them. Where conversation once rested, a silence ensued as the group simply enjoyed the time they had. 


Apologies on the shorter chapter. This one is a bit of a filler, for the next couple chapters to come. Hope you're excited for this story to take off! More drama and action is headed this way, so let me know your thoughts! (✿◡‿◡)

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