⚜ ~ 4 ~ ⚜

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(Image above was drawn by me!)


The two sat in the cave as the fires flame flickered. The embers beneath were burning brighter, the wood charred and becoming charcoal. Tanjirou was closest to the fire, enjoying the warmth. He still wore Giyuu's haori over his own, but the Demon didn't mind. It kept the other warm. He couldn't help but watch the younger male. Those earrings always made him curious since the first time he saw Tanjirou. Most objects that are detailed hold a value. It made him wonder the origins of those hanafuda earrings. Of course, he wasn't willing to ask. He was enjoying the brief silence that was given. 

He could still hear the wind whistle off the cave as it passed by, only signaling the storm was getting worse. It wasn't rare for snow in these parts, but the sudden storm was not exactly planned. It definitely halted their attempts to move on, as well as train Tanjirou. Going outside could possible offer sickness or something far worse. Sighing under his breath, he leaned against the walls of the cave as he closed his eyes. He could feel the fire from where he sat, wondering how the younger male was able to sit so close. Giyuu was aware his temperature was different. He was more cold and able to withstand it. But the fire was roaring and illuminated the entire cave. Even if the space wasn't massive, it was still very roomy over all.

"Hey Giyuu-san?"

"What is it, Tanjirou?" The other had turned to face him, a single eye opening as the Demon watched closely. 

"What did you do before becoming a Demon?" There was a long pause before Giyuu found his words. He wasn't sure of some things. While he had a memory of his human life, some pieces were missing. That much he knew. He remembered the pillars, but not what they looked like. Not their voices or heights. Everything about them had felt erased.

"Well, you saw the sword yourself. I was a Demon slayer before, not too long ago. I had been assigned a mission and during that mission ran into the one Demon that took everything from me. Not just me, but from you as well." Tanjirou widened his eyes, before they wore a saddened appearance.

"That's why your scent was present... You tried to save my family then, am I right?" 

"Key word: Tried. I failed and now became the one thing I despised. To make matters worse, I wasn't in control all that much and consumed blood. That alone marked me for death." There was a long silence, Tanjirou shaking his head as he slid closer. It caught Giyuu slightly off-guard, but he quickly placed his normal emotionless face back on.

"You tried to save them, so that makes you different. Demon or not, I owe you. You saved me after all!" 

"I failed your family, let the Demon go, and became a Demon. I also haven't done anything to save you, truthfully. I ingested some of your blood, thus making the risks higher." Tanjirou nodded for a moment, piecing it all together before he smiled gently. His eyes were soft, pulling Giyuu's gaze.

"Even so, I don't mind. It's nice having company, especially after losing everything. Demons need blood to survive, right?" Giyuu merely nodding, not really understanding where Tanjirou was going. When he did, he nearly wanted to yell. The kid was idiotic in his opinion, far too trusting. "Why not just use my blood to feed you when it's needed!?"


"Why not? It is what you need to survive!" Giyuu scowled as he looked away, his eyes narrowing. 

"Cause taking your blood makes me feel less human. I may not have had the best life out there, but I'd like to keep my humanity as long as possible!" 

"But then you could die! What then would I do? I'd have no one again!" He'd not meant for his anger to boil over. For his words to become so harsh. It just happened. His rage had built and he took it out on the wrong person.

"Would you fucking stop!? I don't know you at all, got it? I just met you, so please, just leave me alone for now!" Tanjirou lowered his gaze, looking elsewhere as he apologized. The sound of his voice showed his hurt, causing a slight pain in Giyuu's heart. Those sad and apologetic eyes made him want to try to comfort the other. He hadn't meant to be so harsh, he just lashed out without thought. But he couldn't find it in him to try to fix things. So he watched Tanjirou leave him be. He moved from the space Giyuu was in before moving toward the fire. Laying before the warmth, Giyuu watched Tanjirou pull the Demon's haori around him tighter. He sighed silently, closing his eyes as he leaned his head back. Giyuu did feel bad, but he really did need time. Time to himself. He would apologize later, after they rested. 

The Hashiras had searched until they couldn't. The weather was far worse, leaving them no choice but to call it. They had begun their travel back, empty handed. As to where the boy and Demon were, they wouldn't know. It was a mystery and they hoped the two didn't get caught in the storm. Or, at least the boy. Most were still uneasy of the idea of the Demon. But Kagaya was interested and orders were meant to be followed. 

Kyoujurou had been near the front when he noticed a bird, holding his arm out. It landed before he sighed, reporting progress so news would reach before their return. News of the failed mission. 

"The Demon and Boy are nowhere to be seen and the weather is to bad to continue. Tell Kagaya-sama we're headed back now, nearly a couple hours out." The bird flew off without a single noise, Kyoujurou rubbing his arms as he carried on, the other two following close behind. 


Below are some of the facts about Giyuu as a Demon, as well as a few key points to Tanjirou.

Giyuu has two Blood Demon Arts.

1.) Currents Rage: Allows him to sink into shadows. It negates sunlight when in the shadows, almost like a veil. 

2.) Crystal Spring: Allows him to heal wounds quicker as well as toxins within his bloodstream. Can be used on others, but is taxing on his hunger/energy. (Can heal major injuries.)

A fact about Tanjirou that I chose is that his blood has capabilities to nullify sunlight's harm on Demons via ingestion of his blood. Differing amount grant different times the sunlight does no harm. (Relates to the idea he can do Sun breathing.)


Hope you've enjoyed this chapter and looking forward to posting more. Leave me your thoughts! They are highly appreciated and I love feedback, good or bad! (✿◠‿◠)

⚔ His Protector - Demon Giyuu X Tanjirou ⚔Where stories live. Discover now