⚜ ~ 1 ~ ⚜

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The smell of blood clung to the air as Tanjirou sauntered closer. He'd felt dread creep up on him, aware that the metallic smell never was a good sign. He'd never been more right then the gruesome scene before him. The countless bodies, all his beloved family. He wanted to cry out, to feel pain and mourn. His once happy life had come to an abrupt stop. Growing closer to the mess, he was careful to not step in the red liquid. His nose scrunched at the foul stench, another smell lingering within it. It was not as disgusting, but reeked of death. A smell he was sure he'd remember. Within that vast array of different scents, he couldn't help but pick one out. It was like a morning breeze, or an ocean's tide. It wafted with the wind, pulling Tanjirou's gaze to the woodlands beyond. He felt a need to investigate, incase the culprit was still close. Taking another glance to his sister and younger brother wrapped in her arms, he felt tears prick at his eyes as he turned away. The smell and sight were only forcing his stomach to react, bile rising as he threw up his food from the previous night that the kind old man had offered. Wiping his mouth, he walked toward the chopped wood. His hands grabbed the axe resting embedded within the stump, pulling it free as he narrowed his gaze. His heart ached and anger was seeping from every pore. He felt at fault. If he'd returned, maybe he'd been able to help this outcome. No, he knew better. There would have been little difference. The only change would have been him following his family into the afterlife. At least this way, he could avenge them. That was all his heart had to run on. His deep need for revenge.

He focused on the earlier briny smell, following where it led. It traveled toward a path that held trails of blood, leaving him to believe maybe someone was near. Each step was greeted by the crunch of the snow packing down. His fingers were cold, his breath showing with each exhale. He felt on edge. Eventually he came to path that held a drop beside it. The trail led over, his gaze wandering before he noticed the figure buried beneath the white substance. Holding his breath, he hurried for the route to the bottom. At one point he nearly toppled over the edge, luckily he'd caught himself. Reaching the bottom, he hurried to where the corpse was resting. Blueish hair was visible, tied up and quite pointed. A form of ink spread over the other's features, like water droplets hitting a surface. The sword was beside the body, a hand firmly holding it. Tanjirou could tell the figure was out, blood staining the clothes as blue nails were elongated. Daring to step closer, he knelt before the body. His fingers were turning red, proving it was far too cold to remain outside. Inhaling a large breath, he tried to figure out how to move the larger male. Eventually he decided dragging them was the best he could do. For minutes he struggled before footsteps drew his gaze. It was odd to see anyone this far out. The movement came from above, Tanjirou glancing upward as his gaze met those of the old man Saburo.

After seeing the older male, he was told to wait. Doing so, Tanjirou sat close to the body. He couldn't help but admire the details along the other's skin. The pale skin was melded with the snow, those eyes closed and breathing peaceful. It was a joy he was alive. It made Tanjirou feel he'd been able to help someone, even if it wasn't his family. Saburo has taken the longer route, assuring he'd not injure himself. As he approached, his gaze wandered to the figure. He'd lived countless years, aware of the dangers the world offered. It was quite simple to notice a Demon when one was present. Seeing Tanjirou so close sent him on edge, urging him to pull Tanjirou away. As he opened his mouth to yell, he stopped as slight movement made the color drain from his features. Those once closed eyes were peeling open as emotionless blue eyes that seemed to glow did not meet his own gaze, but fell on the young lad who was unaware of the dangers. The Demon once more shifted, this time alerting Tanjirou as he wore a relieved look. Of course, that look was shattered as the older man pulled Tanjirou away by his collar. He hurried away, not looking back as Tanjirou seemed startled. The younger boy was unsure what was happening, yelping as he was dropped. His body hit the snow as the older man stumbled forward from the sudden pressure to his back. There was no wound, but he felt his breath struggle in his lungs from the slight twinge of pain and the cold. Tanjirou tried to piece together what was befalling him, his gaze wandering to that head of blue hair. Those eyes were simply alluring, yet also bore a sad hue. It made the younger male feel empathetic. 

The figure backed away from the older male, approaching Tanjirou. Each step seemed gentle, almost cautious. Those eyes watched the younger male with an almost calm appeal. Slowly hands reached outward, only stopping as something glimmered before piercing the figures hands. The blade that had been left beside the older man was digging into the males wrists. The sight drew concern and panic from Tanjirou. He tried to speak, but couldn't find the words. Instead he acted. Reaching out, he gripped the blade tightly before attempting to pull it free. The sharp edge cut his hands as blood seeped down the blade. It brought the old man's gaze wider. 

"Let go! Get away from the Demon!" Tanjirou was confused by the words. He heard Saburo mention the word before. Demon, the same thing that killed his family. But the smell was different. Saburo believed this Demon was the culprit, but Tanjirou could tell it wasn't true. Truthfully, he knew he should have listened, but he ignored the older man. He followed what felt right and something told him the figure was not a threat. The Demon remained silent, still. He merely watched, almost seeming empty. Tanjirou had pulled against the blade more, Old man Saburo scowling. "This Demon caused the mess. We have to kill it before it feasts!" 

"It wasn't him! IT WASN'T!" His shouts stirred the Demon's gaze, those eyes seeming to widen slightly. He viewed those gentle eyes. Those concerned maroon orbs that were displaying genuine concern. Concern for a Demon. Tanjirou felt tears trail his face as the blade cut deeper, his whimpers shattering the silence. The Demon felt something in him twist, his gaze locked on the other before him. It was confusing, seeing someone as gentle and kind show mercy. Moving slowly, he grabbed the blade with his free hand, pulling it roughly from the others hands. Blood seeped to the snow, the Demon feeling his heart wrench at the smell. Even so, he tore the sword free from the other, startling the older male. He stumbled backward, his gaze narrowed and cautious. He was expecting to be killed, but alas, that didn't happen. Instead, the Demon was focused on Tanjirou. Tearing fabric free, the Demon inspected the wound. A warm tongue rolled over the gash, licking the blood away and any dirt that may be with it. It left his stomach twisting, but he ignored that as Tanjirou watched closely. The fabric was wrapped around the wound, tied off before the Demon felt a smile pull at his lips. He hadn't expected his voice to be as scratchy, but upon speaking those words, he was greeted by a calming smile from the boy that had shown him genuine care. Something he remembered never receiving, even as human. 

"You're such a strange human. Strange indeed."


Chapter one is finished. This was painful... Even so, hope you've enjoyed ! See you next chapter! (✿◠‿◠)

⚔ His Protector - Demon Giyuu X Tanjirou ⚔Where stories live. Discover now