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THE WEDDINGS TOOK PLACE in Avalon. It was extravagant, but most of the extravagance was for Giselle. Though there were two weddings happening at once, everyone knew this was the princess's celebration. Kit and Morgana would've been happy with a private chapel and only their friends, but Giselle insisted upon more than that.

She was right about something, though. It was nice to celebrate love. He could finally call Morgana his own forever, and such a thing felt worthy of a dance. He and his friends danced all through the day, sometimes altogether and sometimes in pairs. His smile never faded, and in that moment, Kit didn't think it ever would.

As his friends all gathered in a circle to dance to a lively song, giggling and laughing and singing loudly and very off-key, a large black bird flew over Kit's head and settled on the statue he'd commissioned of Sera and Lionel. The crow rested on the young boy's shoulder, looking straight at Kit.

His stomach twisted in knots, and he expected to see the telltale red eyes that often brought with them an omen of war. But these eyes were not red. They were gentle and dark, and as they stared endlessly into Kit's soul, he could feel something familiar stirring in his chest.

It was peace, strong and enduring, and a thought crossed his mind in a voice that was not his own. It was regal, kind, motherly, and he knew it like he knew his own name.

"There it is, Kristofer. There's that smile I love."

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