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THE FAERY'S NAME WAS Flicker, and they had long, pink hair that was cropped around their notably sharp ears, wavy and layered and flying in every possible direction. Somehow it was never in their face, and Quinn wondered if it was magic or just impressive paste. Flicker used magic a lot for a Seelie, not anything strenuous, but they always moved too fast to open the cupboards or strap up their boots. Everything was urgent to them, even if there was no deadline.

Quinn was watching them make breakfast, a messy blur of flour and milk and open cupboards and uncapped bottles of ingredients. That was another thing Flicker never bothered with, cleaning, and sometimes they were moving too fast to even magic their messes away. Their wings moved a lot even when they had no intention of flying, and Quinn assumed it was a faery equivalent of tapping their foot or fidgeting.

"We going somewhere today?" she asked when they slid her a plate stacked high with food.

Flicker was already stuffing food into their mouth before they even sat down. They nodded in response to her question, then pointed at the air. A scroll materialized and unfurled before Quinn's eyes, and she squinted her eyes to read the words written in barely legible curls. It was Flicker's schedule for the day, and Quinn could barely comprehend what was on there before it was put away.

"I think you should put 'take a deep breath' on that list," she teased.

Flicker fixed her with a glare, serious. "There's no time to breathe."

"Why? What's the rush?"

"The rush," they said, "is that every day, another faery is stolen by your human King and gutted like fish for their magic. I want to stop it. The more time I spend breathing, the more people will die."

"He's not my King, I don't live in Avalon."


Quinn laughed a little. "Well, I take it I'm staying here again." She hadn't minded being Flicker's prisoner, they were decent enough, but she was getting restless.

"You can come with me this time if you hurry."

"Where are you going?"

They rolled their eyes as they stood, gathering their dishes. "Did you not read the schedule I showed you?"

"I can't read fast."

Flicker huffed. "Whatever. I'm regrouping with a few friends and then I'm going to the forest to try and sabotage another abduction."

"Are you sure you want me to come?"

"Well, if you move any slower I might start having second thoughts. Come on."

Quinn obeyed, finishing her last bites and then throwing on her boots. Flicker passed her a knife on the way out the door, and led her through the small cluster of homes until they reached the bustling city where Flicker had taken her and the others after they made their deal. The faery continued on, guiding her through the bustling people until the crowds thinned again and they arrived at a small house.

Flicker opened the door, revealing the dusty interior. They snapped and the candles lit, illuminating a desk covered in papers and shelves stacked with bottles and books and trinkets.

"Where are your friends?" she asked.

The faery picked up a small urn and an old doll, their expression completely unfazed. "Right here."

Quinn looked at her feet. "Oh. I'm sorry."

"Why, did you kill her?" When she sputtered to defend herself, they laughed. "I'm teasing you. Her name was Ilpa."

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