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THE HAIRS ON LIONEL'S arms stood on end, but even still, he didn't see the storm circling above their heads, a culmination of dark, dangerous power conjured by an even darker, more dangerous man. All of the others were just as clueless, caught up in the effortless defeat of Connor's dark army, to realize that their creator was gathering his strength.

A flash of light struck down, hitting Giselle, Eurion, and a faery with pink hair. The room went silent as the three of them fell to the floor. Beside him, Chalice clapped a hand over their mouth and their eyes squeezed shut. Tears slipped down their cheeks, but they did their best to hold in their cries. Selene rushed to Giselle's side, while a tall boy with brown hair crouched beside the faery. Lionel recognized him, he realized, from Calnor. It was Rowan.

Crane stood furiously before them, and Lionel's eyes found his way back to him as he seethed. His hands were withering away as sparks curled around his fingers, nothing but bones and charred, blistered skin. "You've had your fun," he bellowed into the room, though it didn't stop all those tending to their injured friends. "I'm tired of waiting."

He was about to summon another bolt when he was cut off by a violent quaking. The chandeliers hanging high from the ceiling swayed dangerously until one was released from its hold, sending it crashing down towards Crane. He stepped back, avoiding the heavy ornament, but he couldn't stop the projectiles of shattered glass that shot into his face, cutting his skin and his arms as he held them up to shield himself.

The doors flew open once again, revealing the furious Unseelie Queen. Her fists were covered in balls of fire and dragon-like scales covered her skin up to her elbows, as if to protect her from the flames. She did not hold back as she threw the spells his way, knocking him back and catching his clothes on fire. He strained against her attacks, crumbling to his knees. The fire burned his skin, and Lionel cringed at the smell of burning flesh.

Mab was a dangerous contender, and Lionel thought that maybe, she would rid the world of him once and for all. But, with one last grunt of effort, Crane threw up his hands. Lightning struck Mab down, sending her body into a fit of seizures as she hit the ground. When the fits finally settled, the Queen was frighteningly still, and Lionel felt his stomach twist at the sight. She was one of the most powerful beings Lionel had ever known, but Crane managed to take her out, something even Titania could never do.

Morgana and the blonde princess, whose name Lionel had long since forgotten, were the next to attack, giving Crane no time to recover. The Unseelie was relentless with his arrows and the woman pulled vines from the mildew growing in the cracks of the floor, curling them around Crane's legs, holding him in place. Morgana littered his chest with arrows, but the man did not fall. He cast spells, worked with Namyra to hinder his movement completely.

Crane struggled against them, and with a loud cry, he wrenched an arm free, calling down his largest flash of lightning. With a pained scream, Morgana fell against the wall, and the princess was thrown after him. Morgana sent one last arrow towards Crane before he fell, but it missed by a lot, wedging itself into the red cushioning of the throne.

Kit was the only one left standing. While others tended to their loved ones, protecting them from further damage, the prince was the only one strong enough to face him. Lionel didn't know where all his new power had come from or when he got it, but somehow he knew, he was stronger than anyone had yet to see. His hands were empty, but Lionel could see the sword at Connor's hip, glowing brightly, just as Kit was. The boy felt the pull, stronger than he'd ever felt it before, urging him to reach for it.

"You'll never win," Crane told him breathlessly. He was still confined by the princess's restraints, but it didn't seem to deter him. "I can rid the world of two Faery Queens, and I could rid it of two more. You are nothing, I don't care how shiny you get."

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